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Top 7 Veggies You Should Be Eating and Why

Spinach Leafy greens, including spinach, kale, and collard greens, are low in carbs and calories but high in nutrition. They’re packed with vitamins A, C, and K, folic acid, calcium, iron, and powerful antioxidants which fight oxidative stress, help reduce damage to cells, and may help reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Research suggests leafy greens could reduce risk of developing chronic conditions like diabetes. Plus, they provide lutein and zeaxanthin, plant compounds that are beneficial for maintaining eye health. Spinach is the most widely available and enjoyed of all the leafy

4 Important Nutrients for Women

Every woman has different nutritional needs depending on her stage of life, but here are four essential nutrients important to women’s health. Calcium Calcium is essential to build and maintain strong bones and avoid osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a common condition where bones become weak and deteriorate. But calcium does more than support bones! Women need calcium to keep their heart, muscles, and nerves functioning properly. Studies also suggest that calcium with vitamin D may protect against cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Foods Rich in Calcium Because our bodies don’t produce

Shrimp Jambalaya

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Todo lo que debe saber sobre el perejil

Por qué debe comer perejil El perejil fresco es bajo en calorías, pero rico en vitaminas como la A, la K y la C. Las vitaminas A y C son esenciales para la salud de los ojos y la piel, además de reforzar el sistema inmunológico. La vitamina C también es un potente antioxidante que ayuda a reducir la inflamación del organismo. La vitamina K es necesaria para la correcta coagulación de la sangre y contribuye a la salud de los huesos y el corazón. Tipos de perejil Hay dos tipos de perejil que suelen encontrarse en los supermercados y mercados agrícolas: el de hoja rizada y el de hoja plana

Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el jengibre

El jengibre es una planta con flores conocida por su sabor picante, cálido y ligeramente dulce. Sus raíces, conocidas como rizomas, son las partes más utilizadas en aplicaciones culinarias y medicinales. El jengibre se puede disfrutar en dos formas principales: fresco y seco. El jengibre fresco tiene un sabor más intenso y vibrante, mientras que el jengibre seco ofrece una especia concentrada que es perfecta tanto para platos dulces como salados. ¿A qué sabe el jengibre? El perfil de sabor del jengibre es verdaderamente único. Combina un toque picante, casi cítrico, con un toque de dulzura y

7 Easy Swaps to Add More Plants to Your Plate

With a vegetarian eating plan, meat is avoided entirely. Plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, seeds, and some animal foods like eggs and dairy are consumed. If you follow a vegan eating pattern, you don’t eat anything that comes from animals—even non-meat foods like honey and dairy—only plant-based foods. Both eating patterns emphasize eating more plants like minimally processed whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. The Benefits of Eating More Plant-Based Foods A vegan diet is linked to lower prevalence of type 2 diabetes and reduction of high blood glucose (blood sugar)

What Are Natural Sugars and How Do They Impact Diabetes?

Naturally occurring sugars are found naturally in foods such as fruit and milk while added sugars can be found in sugary beverages, candy, and desserts (cakes, cookies, pies) and are put in foods during preparation or processing or at the table. As it turns out, not all sugars are created equally. There are a lot of factors that can impact your blood glucose levels when you eat sugar. For example, what nutrients come along with the sugar, referred to as nutrient density, how slowly or quickly it’s digested, or your overall insulin sensitivity can all have an effect. Here are some natural sugar

10 Gluten-Free and Diabetes-Friendly Recipes

The only true disease that requires complete elimination of gluten is known as celiac disease. However, approximately six percent of people with type 1 diabetes also have celiac disease which suggests there may be a link between the two. Learn more about diabetes and gluten-free diets. If you are following a gluten-free diet, here are some recipes to try! Many of them feature almond flour as a substitute for wheat flour. Almond flour can be a good alternative for people with diabetes because it is lower in carbohydrates than wheat flour. However, it is higher in fat and calories. Gluten-Free

The Best Food Items to Buy in Bulk for People with Diabetes

Here are some tips for buying food in bulk: Choose items that are shelf stable and fit your eating plan. Label and date the items you repackage and store. Keep an eye out for coupons or BOGO (buy one get one) sales. You can use this bulk-buying grocery guide for some diabetes-friendly picks. Diabetes-Friendly Pantry Items Whole Grains : Whole grains like brown rice, farro, and oats—and whole grain foods, like whole-wheat pasta—can lead to a slower rise in blood glucose (blood sugar) levels after meals than highly-processed options. Store in an airtight storage container up to a year. Whole

Diabetes-Friendly Recipes for Your Instant Pot

A "multi cooker," like Instant Pot, does the work of multiple appliances – it’s a slow cooker, steamer, rice cooker, sauté pan, warming pot, and pressure cooker all in one. You can use it like a slow cooker and let dinner simmer away all day, or, if planning ahead isn’t your thing, you can cook the same "slow-cooked" meal in minutes using the pressure cooker function. Best of all, you can prep and cook everything in one pot, meaning there is no need to preheat the oven, light up the grill, make a mess on your stove top, or wash a lot of pots and pans. If you own a multi cooker, or are thinking