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7 Holiday Cooking Tips for People with Diabetes

1. Get “Board” with Cheese & Crackers Build a wow-worthy appetizer grazing board filled with colorful produce (like two types of grapes, peppers, and cauliflower). Prioritize filling the board with non-starchy vegetables . For the most “wow” factor, try keeping items bite-sized and arrange the largest items on the board first. Include hummus in festive small bowls, whole grain crackers, and plant-based treenut cheese, plus fresh rosemary sprigs for festive flair. Need some more inspiration? Try this easy Holiday Veggie Platter with Hummus quick recipe or add some additional colorful flair with

The Best Cereal for People with Diabetes

Hot vs. Cold Cereals Most cold cereals are filled with refined grains and sugars, scarce nutrients, preservatives, and lots of empty calories and carbohydrates (carbs). And you’re no doubt going to want to eat more than the suggested portion amount on the nutrition label. Hot cereal, like oatmeal made with rolled or steel-cut oats or other whole grains, are high in fiber and have a low glycemic index (GI). This means that these carbs are digested and absorbed more slowly, thus they create a smaller incremental rise and fall in blood glucose (blood sugar). For those who are trying to better

Tips for Managing Diabetes and Heart Health

Eat Smart If you have diabetes or prediabetes, you may be wondering what, when, and how much you should eat. It may surprise you that there is no “diabetes diet” or perfect amount of nutrients (protein, fat, or even carbohydrates) that’s right for every person with diabetes. Your eating plan—what, when, and how much you eat—should be personalized to meet your needs. A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) or Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) can help you create an eating plan that fits your lifestyle, eating preferences, health goals, and budget. Ask your primary health care provider if you

Surviving Your First Holiday Season with Diabetes

Be Ready and Plan for Challenges "This season is full of special events, from office potlucks, to baking cookies with the kids, to formal dinners in fancy restaurants. Take inventory of all of your upcoming obligations and holiday events, and what challenges might come up at each one. Decide in advance which of these events is worthy of indulging (I know that I’d rather treat myself at certain events than others) and think of ways to manage some of the challenges you anticipate. Being prepared for challenging situations will make it easier to stay on track." –Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE

6 Tips for a Happy, Healthy Holiday with Diabetes

1. Timing of Meals Throughout the holidays you may find yourself heading to family feasts or parties at odd times. For example, holiday dinners can be served at 3 or 4pm. Plan in advance for how you will handle making changes if your meal does not align with your regular meal schedule. If you take insulin injections or a pill that lowers blood sugar, you may need to have a snack at your regular meal time to prevent a low blood sugar reaction. Speak to your diabetes care provider before the holidays so you can best plan for how to handle meal time changes throughout the holiday season. 2. Be

How to Use the Diabetes Food Hub

Create an Account First things first—if you have not done so already, create your free account with Diabetes Food Hub . Not only will creating an account let you save recipes, create a profile, and enjoy a more personalized experience on the site, but access to the Meal Planner and Grocery List features requires an account. If you have ever donated to the ADA or volunteered for Step Out or Tour de Cure, you probably have an account with the ADA already and can use that user name and password. Simply log in to the site! If you do not have a username and password, setting up an account is easy

Los mejores bocadillos aptos para la diabetes para bajar de peso

Los refrigerios son una excelente opción entre comidas para evitar tener demasiada hambre y excederse en la próxima comida. Los refrigerios también son excelentes para ayudar a satisfacer el antojo de algo crujiente o dulce. Sin embargo, es fácil comer bocadillos sin pensar y es necesario modificar ese hábito. Comer distraído, como mientras mira televisión, hace que sea fácil excederse y descarrilar sus objetivos de alimentación saludable. A la hora de elegir un snack, recuerda que aunque sea saludable, debes vigilar tus porciones y leer atentamente las etiquetas nutricionales. Qué buscar en

Cómo me ayudó perder peso en mi viaje hacia la diabetes

A Dana R. le diagnosticaron diabetes tipo 2 en el verano de 2020 después de un chequeo de rutina. Su médico le dijo a la madre de tres hijos que necesitaba perder peso para controlar mejor sus niveles de glucosa en sangre. Abrumada, Dana no estaba segura de por dónde empezar. Entonces decidió probar un programa de pérdida de peso que incluía un plan de alimentación. Hubo algunos obstáculos en el camino, pero después de dos años, perdió más de 50 libras. Así es como Dana cumplió con el plan: Superar el estrés al comer Las semanas estresantes hacen que seguir un programa de pérdida de peso sea

Consejos para comprar alimentos de forma segura para personas con diabetes

¿Conoces la frase, cuando la vida te dé limones, haz limonada? Bueno, hay muchos limones disponibles en este momento, y si eres como yo, estás haciendo todo lo posible para mantener una actitud positiva durante este momento difícil y preparar un poco de limonada (aunque sea sin azúcar). Por ejemplo, muchos de nosotros tenemos más tiempo libre y no nos vemos desafiados por eventos sociales o salir a comer donde es difícil tomar decisiones saludables. Ahora es un buen momento para inspirarse para cocinar en casa, sentarse a comer en familia, reducir el ritmo, disfrutar la comida que comemos y