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Showing Results for: “avocado”

Galletas de avena con especias y arce y calabaza

Disfrute de todos los sabores del otoño con estas sustanciosas galletas de avena con especias de arce y calabaza. Estas galletas, aptas para diabéticos y elaboradas con azúcares naturales, satisfarán sus antojos de dulce de calabaza sin desbaratar su plan de manejo de la diabetes. Estas galletas también pueden hacerse sin gluten cambiando la harina integral por un sustituto de la harina sin gluten.

Meal Prep: Meals for Any Eating Pattern

Diabetes Food Hub can be a great tool for meal prepping! Click here to learn how to use our recipes, meal planner, and grocery list generator to make planning, shopping, and preparing healthy meals a snap! This week (the last in our Meal Prep series) we will take a look at different eating patterns and show you how to customize your meal prep for a low-carb, Mediterranean, or vegetarian diet. Many people think that living with diabetes means you have to follow a special “diabetes diet.” The truth is there are lots of different eating patterns that can help you manage your diabetes, and there's

3 Ways to Revive Your Holiday Leftovers

You plan for the meals. You plan for the guests. Maybe you even plan for the feeling of equal parts relief and exhaustion once the holidays are actually over. But what about all the leftovers? The good news is, traditional holiday meals have got it all: protein, fiber, fat, and carbohydrates. A typical plate—say roast turkey with Brussels sprouts, green beans, and mashed sweet potatoes—ticks all the nutritional boxes, which is key for helping blood glucose (blood sugar) levels stay steady, says Angela Goscilo, MS, RD, a registered dietitian and senior manager of nutrition at WeightWatchers ®

10 Gluten-Free and Diabetes-Friendly Recipes

The only true disease that requires complete elimination of gluten is known as celiac disease. However, approximately six percent of people with type 1 diabetes also have celiac disease which suggests there may be a link between the two. Learn more about diabetes and gluten-free diets. If you are following a gluten-free diet, here are some recipes to try! Many of them feature almond flour as a substitute for wheat flour. Almond flour can be a good alternative for people with diabetes because it is lower in carbohydrates than wheat flour. However, it is higher in fat and calories. Gluten-Free

7 Easy Swaps to Add More Plants to Your Plate

With a vegetarian eating plan, meat is avoided entirely. Plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, seeds, and some animal foods like eggs and dairy are consumed. If you follow a vegan eating pattern, you don’t eat anything that comes from animals—even non-meat foods like honey and dairy—only plant-based foods. Both eating patterns emphasize eating more plants like minimally processed whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. The Benefits of Eating More Plant-Based Foods A vegan diet is linked to lower prevalence of type 2 diabetes and reduction of high blood glucose (blood sugar)

10 Ways to Reimagine Your Favorite Idaho Potato Dishes

Use an Air Fryer One of the most popular kitchen appliances today is the air fryer. It's a healthier way to cook your favorite fried foods, and it can also be used to cook potatoes. Simply slice your Idaho potatoes into wedges or fries (leaving the skin on), spray them with oil, and toss them in the air fryer. In just a few minutes, you'll have crispy and tasty potatoes without too much added oil. Blend in Cauliflower Cauliflower is a great way to incorporate more vegetables to your diet, and it can also be used to bulk up your mashed potatoes and reduce the amount of carbohydrate in your side

Our Most Popular Breakfast Recipes

Looking for more help building a healthy breakfast? Check out this article, What's the Best Breakfast for Diabetes?

Asar carne de cerdo a la parrilla para personas con diabetes

Consejos para asar cerdo Para evitar que la carne de cerdo se pegue a la parrilla, límpiela y cúbrala con aceite vegetal o un spray de aceite vegetal antiadherente antes de usarla. No utilice utensilios afilados que puedan perforar la carne de cerdo al darle la vuelta, ya que la perforación permite que se escapen los jugos llenos de sabor. Utilice espátulas o pinzas para darle la vuelta. Voltear la carne de cerdo con frecuencia en un área más fría de la parrilla es mejor que quemarla accidentalmente en un área demasiado caliente. Las salsas a base de azúcar (muchas salsas para barbacoa

Helado de Chocolate sin Lácteos

Las bananas, aguacate y leche de coco son los ingredientes secretos en esta receta. Para hacerlos un mousse, solo refrigéralos en vez de congelarlos y sírvelos con un poco de crema batida fría ligera y bayas frescas encima.