Showing 581 - 590 of 613 results

Showing Results for: “cheese”

9 Must-Try Healthy and Easy Casseroles

Whether you are looking to feed a crowd or just want to make a meal that provides plenty of leftovers, casseroles are an easy way to get food on the table. Many of these recipes can be prepped ahead of time so all you have to do is throw the baking dish in the oven when you’re ready to eat. Breakfast casseroles can be especially helpful for when you are short on time in the morning. Nine Diabetes-Friendly Casserole Recipes Breakfast Casseroles Egg and Veggie Casserole This is a great dish to serve when you have company staying with you. It serves eight people as a main dish, or more if you cut

Recetas saludables para el corazón para la diabetes

Estas recetas saludables para el corazón contienen: Fibra procedente de verduras y cereales integrales, que puede ayudar a reducir el colesterol y la glucosa en sangre. Grasas saludables de aceites vegetales y pescado que pueden aumentar el colesterol bueno HDL Alimentos ricos en nutrientes que proporcionan vitaminas, minerales y antioxidantes esenciales. Únase a la iniciativa Conozca la Diabetes de Corazón. Obtenga más información y recursos sobre la conexión entre la diabetes y las enfermedades cardíacas. Cuando se une a la iniciativa Know Diabetes by Heart™ , recibirá un boletín mensual

Galletitas de Parmesano sin gluten

Estas galletitas saben como si hubieran sido hechas en un restaurante. Cuenta tus carbohidratos y puedes hacer que entren en tu plan de alimentación. Van estupendo con un buen tazón de sopa saludable.

Pasta al pesto verde

Dile adiós a la pasta simple y agrega un toque verde con esta receta de Pasta al Pesto Verde. Con un toque de queso parmesano y aceite de oliva, este plato sencillo y bajo en sodio seguramente se convertirá en el favorito de la cena. Esta receta presentada por DaVita, un orgulloso socio de la American Diabetes Association® y Diabetes Food Hub®

Quinua con espinacas y piñones

Haz esta receta la misma semana que hagas el Fletán con Pesto de espinaca ya que usa mucho de los mismos ingredientes. Este plato acompañante lleno de nutrientes iría estupendo con pescado, pollo o cerdo.

Zucchini Noodles with Turkey Meatballs

Try this low carb, heart-healthy version of spaghetti and meatballs! Replacing spaghetti noodles with spiralized zucchini more less carbs, more fiber, and more servings of vegetables.

Ensalada De Rúcula Y Rábano Y Sandía

Impresione a sus invitados con esta ensalada de rúcula, sandía y rábano, apta para personas diabéticas. Esta excelente ensalada de verano presenta sandía dulce con rábanos picantes, cebollas crujientes y un aderezo picante.

What is the Diabetes Plate?

The Diabetes Plate is the easiest way to create healthy low-carb meals that can help you manage your blood glucose (blood sugar). Using the Diabetes Plate, you can create a meal with a healthy balance of vegetables, protein, and carbs—without any counting, calculating, weighing, or measuring. All you need is a plate! To start out, you need a plate that is nine inches across . The size of our plate is what controls the size of our portions. If your dinner plates are larger than nine inches, try using a smaller salad or dessert plate for your meals. Or, if your dinner plates have a lip or

The Importance of Protein for People with Diabetes

Unfortunately, many people with diabetes have trouble getting enough protein or consuming it in healthy ways. A recent study showed that half of the adults with diabetes who were surveyed did not consume the daily recommended amount of protein, which is 0.8g/kg of body weight. The adults who did not meet protein recommendations had significantly poorer diet quality and did not meet recommended nutrient intakes according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. They also had a significantly higher number of physical limitations, including trouble standing for long periods, kneeling, and pushing