Showing 471 - 480 of 674 results

Showing Results for: “green peas”

Ensalada de Papas con Hierbas

La mostaza y condimentos hacen que esta versión más saludable de la tradicional ensalada de papas sea bastante sabrosa. Un clásico platillo de reuniones sociales, es seguro que sea un éxito cuando lo lleves a un picnic, compuertas o cualquier otra reunión.

How to Identify a Fad Diet

How to Identify a Fad Diet The Diet is Restrictive Most fad diets are restrictive, meaning they completely remove whole food groups or may even recommend skipping meals. Fad diets may also only allow certain foods to be eaten at certain times (ex: only eating carbs on certain days of the week). Many popular fad diets completely remove solid foods and recommend only a liquid diet, such as smoothies or juicing. While this may be necessary after certain medical procedures, this is not recommended as a healthy diet post-surgery. If an eating plan focuses around eating only one food (ex: a green

CKD Pre-Built Dialysis Meal Plan

Day 1 Breakfast Recipes Whether looking for a savory breakfast or easy weeknight dinner, this herb inspired dish is sure to please. Choose a few of your favorite fresh herbs (basil, parsley, chives or whatever combination you crave) to fold into fluffy scrambled eggs and then place the mixture on top of toasted whole grain bread. Pair with ½ cup low potassium fruit like sliced apples, berries or pineapple or sweet and crunchy Ricotta and Blackberry Jam Crostini. Lunch Recipes This veggie rich and high protein soup is sure to hit the spot! Add a slice of toasted whole wheat bread to balance out

Pumpkin Chowder With Toasted Pepitas

Author Steven Petusevsky: "This chowder is rich and full of bold tropical flavor. You can leave it chunky as I do, or purée it if you like it smooth and creamy. Sometimes I substitute 1 cup of the vegetable broth or water for a cup of light coconut milk for a bit of extra richness." This recipe from The American Diabetes Association Vegetarian Cookbook , by Steven Petusevsky. To order directly from the American Diabetes Association, click here .

Southwestern Coleslaw

This recipe featured in:

Cajun Grains

Author Jackie Newgent loves flexitarian recipes—dishes that can be made with meat or without. "This scrumptious whole-grain side is inspired by classic 'dirty' rice," she says. "Thank you, Louisiana! My version is made with a well-seasoned ground turkey mixture and beans. You can make a vegan version of this, too. Replace the ground turkey with 8 ounces finely chopped mushrooms of choice along with 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper—and use the vegetable broth, of course. If you wish, serve a larger portion as an entrée."

Venetian Shrimp With Garlic (Schie Aglio Olio)

This dish is one that is typically served in Venice in the cicchetti bars.

Dal de lentejas rojas con "chips" de jícama

El dal es un guiso espeso de lentejas indio que suele servirse con pan plano naan. Puedes reducir los gramos de carbohidratos sirviendo este dal con jícama pelada y en rodajas. Es una verdura crujiente y ligeramente dulce que parece una papa.

Frittata rápida de salchicha y albahaca fresca

Las frittatas son una gran opción para el desayuno que se puede cocinar a granel para que puedas hacer varias porciones y repartirlas a lo largo de la semana.

Salsa de ricota con perejil y eneldo

Esta salsa de ricota con perejil y eneldo es perfecto en primavera y verano. Las hierbas frescas aromatizan el cremoso y suave queso ricota. Corte algunas verduras frescas, como zanahorias, apio o pepinos, y sírvalas con la salsa para disfrutar de un tentempié refrescante y saludable. ¡Si le sobra tiempo, hornee unas galletas de lino y romero bajas en carbohidratos para acompañarlo!