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Showing Results for: “shrimp”

Barley, Mushroom, and Herb Risotto

Risotto is traditionally made with starchy rice, but this version made with barley is higher fiber, and has a delightfully chewy texture. Adding the liquid to the grains 1/2 cup at a time gives them a rich, creamy texture by the time they are done cooking. Serve this as whole-grain side to a protein entree, like this Mediterranean Chicken and Artichokes , or add cooked chicken or shrimp and a handful of green to make this a complete meal.

All About Leafy Greens

What are Leafy Greens? Keep in mind, all lettuces are leafy greens, but not all leafy greens are lettuces. There is a whole world of leafy greens beyond lettuce! Some of the most nutritious greens include spinach, kale, romaine, watercress, and arugula. Leafy greens also include cruciferous vegetables, like collard greens, bok choy, cabbage, watercress, and broccolini. There are hardy leafy greens like kale and cabbage, and more delicate greens like spinach and chard. And let’s not forget all the delicious greens attached to vegetables like beets, radishes, and carrots. So, there’s no getting

What's in Season: Pumpkin

Making Your Own Puree Pumpkin puree is quite versatile. You can buy it canned, usually in the baking aisle, or you can make your own: Use a sugar pumpkin (also called pie pumpkins) Cut in half Remove the seeds Rub with oil Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees F, or until the flesh easily pierces with a fork Scoop out with a spoon, add to a blender along with a splash of water, and puree until smooth When selecting fresh pumpkin, choose a pumpkin that’s uniform in color with no soft spots. It should be heavy for its size and have its stem intact. Fresh, whole pumpkin will last for weeks at room

Camarones venecianos al ajo (Schie Aglio Olio)

Este plato es uno de los que se sirven típicamente en Venecia en los bares de cicchetti.

Dining Out or Ordering In Choices

Strategies to Eat Out Like a Pro Rather than blowing your meal plan and regretting it later, how about trying some of these strategies? Go to restaurant outings “gently hungry” instead of overly hungry, suggested Janice Baker, RDN, CDCES. “Over restricting during the day or preceding a restaurant or party event can biologically lead to unintentional overeating,” she explained. “This is BIOLOGY, not willpower.” Check out menus online ahead of time. By scoping out the options, you can make decisions in advance, which can remove some of the stress and the distraction of tempting but unhealthy

Seafood Shopping Tips

Is Seafood Good for People with Diabetes? Yes, fish and shellfish are great options for people with diabetes! Seafood is an excellent source of lean protein, which should make up a quarter of your meal according to the Diabetes Plate Method . It is recommended to have at least two meals with fish per week. Omega-3 fatty acids are a healthy source of fat that supports heart health. They have been shown to lower risk of heart attacks and stroke, and are important for brain and eye health. How to Shop for Seafood Here are several tips to help you choose seafood at the grocery store: In general

New Ways to Try Whole Grains

How to Incorporate Whole Grains into Your Diet But how can you start incorporating whole grains into your diet? There are plenty of ways to increase your whole grain intake, whether they’re served as a side dish or the star of the meal. Here are six ideas to get you started: Soups and stews : Cooked whole grains are perfect in stews and soups to create a hearty cool weather meal. Go for sturdy winter greens, add beans, tofu, or poultry for protein, and tomato paste for a deep, savory flavor. Try our White Bean and Vegetable Soup with Farro or our Turkey & Barley Soup for inspiration. Bowls

Tostadas de Camarones Ahumados con Ensalada de Chipotle y Mango

No conozco a nadie que no disfrute la comida mexicana. ¡Ahora todos la conocen! Es posible encontrar ingredientes mexicanos de todo tipo a lo largo y ancho de Estados Unidos. Algo que he notado es que las tortillas de harina realmente predominan, y mucha gente se ha olvidado de las tortillas de maíz. Estas son muy sabrosas y mucho más saludables que las de harina. Una tortilla de harina tiene 110 calorías mientras que ¡una de maíz solo tiene 50 calorías! Y por supuesto, ¡no hay forma de equivocarse con camarones, mango y chipotle!

Camarones al coco en la freidora de aire

Los clásicos camarones al coco se transforman en una saludable versión en la freidora de aireDisfruta de estos camarones crujientes como aperitivo o plato principal bajo en carbohidratos. Sugerencia: No apiles los camarones en la freidora de aire. Si no caben todos cómodamente en una sola capa en la cesta de la freidora de aire, cocina los camarones en tandas. Haz clic aquí para ver más recetas de la freidora de aire.

Pinchos de Camarones a la Parrilla

Esta es una estupenda receta a la parrilla para el verano y los pinchos le dan a los camarones un giro sofisticado. Si tienes sobrantes, sirve los camarones fríos en una ensalada verde con un poco de queso feta reducido en grasa y vinagreta balsámica para el almuerzo.