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Watch: Chicken Stir-Fry Video

Heat up a little oil in a skillet (a wok is great, but any skillet will do), throw in some protein and vegetables, and stir. This version uses chicken as a base, but strips of beef, pork, or tofu will work just as well. Stir-fry vegetable mixes are available at most grocery stores, but there are a number of fresh or frozen vegetables that will work perfectly here—broccoli, snow peas, bell peppers, and baby corn especially. Experiment and see! This easy recipe is a great place to start. This live cooking class recording is powered by Homemade and brought to you by Alignment Health Plans. Don't

Ver: Vídeo de pollo salteado

Calienta un poco de aceite en una sartén (un wok es excelente, pero cualquier sartén sirve), agrega un poco de proteína y verduras y revuelve. Esta versión usa pollo como base, pero tiras de carne de res, cerdo o tofu funcionarán igual de bien. Las mezclas de vegetales salteados están disponibles en la mayoría de las tiendas de comestibles, pero hay una serie de vegetales frescos o congelados que funcionarán perfectamente aquí: brócoli, guisantes, pimientos morrones y maíz tierno, especialmente. ¡Experimente y vea! Esta receta fácil es un excelente lugar para comenzar. Esta grabación de clase

What is a Low-Carb Diet?

Foods to Eat on a Low-Carb Eating Plan Higher-protein foods are a big part of a low-carb eating plan. Lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish, and shellfish are recommended, as well as, eggs and cheese. Healthy fats and oils such as olive oil, avocado oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and olives are recommended. Not only are these foods low carb, but are thought to help you feel full longer. Most types of fruit are considered high in carbs, however, berries are usually the fruit of choice when it comes to the low-carb eating plan. Non-starchy vegetables are emphasized in low-carb eating plans

¿Qué es una dieta baja en carbohidratos?

Alimentos para comer en un plan de alimentación bajo en carbohidratos Los alimentos ricos en proteínas son una parte importante de un plan de alimentación bajo en carbohidratos. Se recomiendan carnes magras como pollo, pavo, pescado y mariscos, así como huevos y queso. Se recomiendan grasas y aceites saludables como aceite de oliva, aceite de aguacate, aguacates, nueces, semillas y aceitunas. Estos alimentos no solo son bajos en carbohidratos, sino que también se cree que te ayudarán a sentirte lleno por más tiempo. La mayoría de los tipos de frutas se consideran ricas en carbohidratos; sin

Can You Eat Chocolate with Diabetes?

The Different Types of Chocolate Dark chocolate, often referred to as semi-sweet or bittersweet, contains 50 to 90 percent of cocoa solids, cocoa butter, and sugar. High-quality dark chocolate has at least 70 percent chocolate. It has little to no milk solids. Milk chocolate, on the other hand, contains 10 to 50 percent of cocoa solids, cocoa butter, milk of some form, and sugar—much more than dark chocolate. Then there’s white chocolate. It’s even less healthy, having no cocoa solids, just cocoa butter, sugar, milk solids, and often vanilla. Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate Because of that

Are All Carbs Equal?

Those numbers are helpful day-to-day guidelines, but the question remains: Are all carbs created equal? We know that you could weigh out the carbs from potato chips to equal those from an apple, but we all know that potato chips and apples are not on the same spectrum when it comes to health. Types of Carbs We can break down carbs a couple of ways. First, there are simple carbs, complex carbs, and fiber. Simple carbs , or sugars, are found naturally in foods like fruits, milk, and honey. Simple carbs can also be added sugars, and they can be found in many sweets including jellies, jams, and

Finding Recipe Inspirations

Diabetes specific: The Complete Diabetes Cookbook by America’s Test Kitchen: ATK is one of the country’s most revered cooking brands, and this cookbook offers more than 400 recipes that reflect their rigorous testing to improve the nutrition of favorite dishes. Prevention’s Diabetes Diet Cookbook : These fiber-rich recipes—from Almond and Mixed Berry Muffins with Flax Seeds to Autumn Harvest Minestrone—are easy to make and delicious. Here are a wide range of chefs and cookbook writers who produce recipes that you’ll enjoy because they’re so creative with healthy ingredients like fruits

5 Tips for Cooking on a Budget

Make a shopping list before you go to the grocery store and stick to it. Grabbing items as you shop can add up very quickly. Plan out your meals and snacks to help guide you when you shop. Balance is important when managing diabetes. Carbohydrates, protein, and fat should all be part of your meal. The American Diabetes Association ® has a guide called the Diabetes Plate Method that provides a visual of how your plate should look. Canned and pre-packaged foods can save you money, but they can also contain ingredients that may affect your blood glucose (blood sugar) and contain extra salt. Look

What's in Season: Fresh Corn

One ear of fresh corn has 2.5 grams of gut-friendly fiber and 10% daily value of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that can help the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. Fresh corn (and frozen sweet corn) also contains the vitamins thiamine, folate, magnesium, and potassium. Thiamine keeps the nervous system healthy, folate helps to create healthy red blood cells, magnesium helps regulate blood glucose (also called blood sugar) and blood pressure, and potassium helps nerves and muscles function at their best. Corn is also high in lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that can help

All About Leafy Greens

What are Leafy Greens? Keep in mind, all lettuces are leafy greens, but not all leafy greens are lettuces. There is a whole world of leafy greens beyond lettuce! Some of the most nutritious greens include spinach, kale, romaine, watercress, and arugula. Leafy greens also include cruciferous vegetables, like collard greens, bok choy, cabbage, watercress, and broccolini. There are hardy leafy greens like kale and cabbage, and more delicate greens like spinach and chard. And let’s not forget all the delicious greens attached to vegetables like beets, radishes, and carrots. So, there’s no getting