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Tasty Tips for Traveling

With all of the details to keep track of when planning a trip, meals can end up being a last-minute challenge with limited healthy choices. As a result, it’s easy to get out of your routine, including those habits that help you manage your diabetes day to day. But with a few tips in mind, you can keep up with that healthy routine as if you were right at home. On the Road or By Plane As you travel to your vacation destination, your normal routine gets interrupted, and you may be bombarded with a number of snack stands and fast food restaurants tempting you with unhealthy options. Here are a few

Surprising Benefits of Online Grocery Shopping

“Ordering groceries online can help you be more purposeful with your food choices,” says Rahaf Al Bochi, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Here are some other benefits and strategies to get the most out of your next (or your first) order. More time to plan meals You may know that planning your meals in advance is a way to promote good nutrition. Research has shown that people with diabetes who follow a meal plan have better blood sugar management than those who don’t. Ordering groceries online means you can plan your meals while you

Meal Planning for a Mediterranean-Style Eating Pattern

Amy Riolo is author of The Mediterranean Diabetes Cookbook .You can order a copy of the new edition directly from the American Diabetes Association by clicking here . Getting Started with Meal Planning When planning a Mediterranean menu, it’s important to consider the season, region, occasion, and personal traditions. According to the Mediterranean-style eating pattern , the largest portion of our daily diet should come from plant-based foods, with vegetables topping the list. Vegetables are at their peak flavor (and often cheaper) when they are in season and locally grown. As you start

Best Beverages for People with Diabetes

Hydration is an important part of staying healthy. More than half of our body weight comes from water—it’s found in all our cells, organs, and tissues, and our bodies can’t work without it. We lose water throughout the day through digestion, sweating, and even breathing. It’s important to replace water that is lost by drinking plenty of fluids, but with so many beverage options available, you might find yourself asking: What can I drink ? The best and easiest way for anyone to stay hydrated is to drink plain water! It is exactly what our bodies need, and doesn’t have any added sugar, calories

How to Cook Diabetes-Friendly Veggies

We all know eating veggies is good for us—their fiber alone can help you manage your weight and heart health. You’ll find two types of vegetables at the store: starchy vegetables (like peas, potatoes, and corn) and non-starchy vegetables (like broccoli, eggplant, and peppers). While all vegetables offer important nutrients for people with diabetes, you should aim to fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables for a balanced meal that doesn’t spike your blood glucose (blood sugar). With all this in mind, eating the same veggies in the same way every day can often become boring. Keep

6 Expert Tips for Healthy Lunches at Home

The world may feel chaotic, but you can still bring order to your lunchtime by creating a new set of habits that aligns with your eating goals and helps you manage your diabetes. “People aren’t used to what’s happening right now, and it takes time to adjust. Everyone needs to find something that works for them,” says Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, FAND , award-winning nutrition expert and author of The Create-Your-Plate Diabetes Cookbook , published by the American Diabetes Association. View our complete guide to staying healthy while staying home Here’s Amidor’s best advice for making your work

Should People with Diabetes Avoid Gluten?

What is Gluten? Let’s start with the basics on gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats*. Foods that contain gluten include pasta, bread, crackers, cookies, cereal, but it is also hidden in some foods like some canned soups, soy sauce, licorice, some chocolates, salad dressings and more. Gluten does not include all starchy foods or carbohydrates. Rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and quinoa are naturally gluten-free. Fruits, vegetables, eggs, fish (non-breaded) and fresh meats are also gluten-free. *Oats are naturally gluten-free, but they are often contaminated

How to Find Nutrition Advice You Can Trust

Here are three steps to help you zero in on trustworthy sources and think more critically about headline-making health studies: 1. Watch for Red Flags Consider the intentions of your source. Does the source offer products for sale that may influence the information they present? Do the authors have a background in science or nutrition? Is the information being presented in a sensational or “click-bait” manner? If so, it doesn’t necessarily mean the information is wrong, but it should probably be verified. Does it promise a quick fix or make claims that sound too good to be true? It’s enticing

How to Make Plant-Powered and Low-Carb Meals

Plant-based meals are packed with nutrients and minerals that are great for keeping the body powered. Even if you aren’t vegetarian or vegan, swapping a plant-based meal in one or twice a week could be beneficial. But how does that work with the Diabetes Plate ? The Diabetes Plate is a simple way to eat a lower carb, balanced meal. Created by the American Diabetes Association’s nutritional experts, this easy-to-follow method of meal planning and eating requires no measuring, weighing, or calculating. Using a 9-inch plate, fill half with non-starchy veggies. Then split the other half with ¼

Ask the Experts: What is the ADA Diet?

Quick answer: There isn’t one. At least not one exact diet that will meet the nutrition needs of everyone living with diabetes. Which, in some ways, is unfortunate. Just think how simple it would be to plan meals if there were a one-size-fits-all plan that worked for everyone living with diabetes, prediabetes, or at risk for diabetes. Boring, yes, but simple! As we all know, it’s much harder than that. We don’t often make food choices based on nutrition science alone —we often also make food choices for social, cultural, or emotional reasons. And because each of us is different, we each need