Showing 71 - 80 of 1159 results

Showing Results for: “시알리스 가격 레비트라 인터넷구매 카마그라 100 레비트라 효능 ozz”

Pastelón (Pastel de Plátanos al Pastor)

El pastelón es un platillo puertorriqueño parecido a la lasaña que se prepara con capas de plátanos maduros fritos. Es realmente delicioso y me hace acordar del tiempo que pasé en la isla visitando a mi tía. Para un toque saludable, herví los plátanos maduros e hice un puré. Una vez armado, se parece al pastel de carne shepherd’s pie. La dulzura del plátano combinada con el sabor salado de la carne lleva tu boca al séptimo cielo. Recipe in English: Pastelón (Plantain Shepherd's Pie)

Pizza de pimientos asados

Utiliza pimientos frescos de verano para cubrir esta pizza casera rápida y fácil, una opción mucho mejor que pedirla en una tienda. Si te sobra, envuélvela en papel de aluminio y tómala fría para comerla al día siguiente.

Roasted Pepper Pizza

Use fresh summer bell peppers to top this quick and easy homemade pizza, a much better choice than ordering out. If you have leftovers, wrap them in foil and have it cold for a grab-and-go meal the next day.

Mexican-Style Stuffed Bell Peppers

In this Latin twist on stuffed bell peppers, black beans replace the traditional rice and salsa stands in for the standard tomato sauce. This recipe from The Diabetes & Heart Healthy Diabetes Cookbook , 2nd edition, co-published with the American Heart Association. To order directly from the American Diabetes Association, click here .

Spaghetti Squash Casserole

You can make this a vegetarian dish by omitting the sausage and adding extra vegetables like bell peppers, onions and asparagus.

Pizza de verduras asadas con masa filo

Una colorida variedad de verduras frescas anida en una corteza de filo escamosa y baja en carbohidratos, y se cubre con la cantidad justa de queso. El asado resalta la dulzura de las verduras y aporta tanto sabor a la pizza que no se necesita ninguna salsa.

Spinach and Mushroom Quesadillas

Do you need a quick and easy dinner? Then this recipe is a great choice – and it’s easy on the budget! Pairing the quesadilla with a simple, zesty salad makes this a complete vegetarian meal. You could use regular whole-wheat tortillas if you do not need this to be gluten-free.

Ingrid Hoffmann's Healthy Refried Beans

Many traditional Latin recipes have been deemed unhealthy because of their use of pork lard. But in this day and age, the amount of good-for-you fats available is endless. These refried beans leave out the lard, and get lots of flavor from fresh onion and garlic, chipotles, and cumin. Find this recipe and more in our bilingual cookbook, Latin Comfort Foods Made Healthy, by Ingrid Hoffmann. To order directly from the American Diabetes Association, click here

Zucchini Pizza

This recipe makes a great vegetarian entree or side dish.

Roasted Veggie Pizza on Phyllo Crust

A colorful variety of fresh vegetables nests on flaky, low carb phyllo crust, then is topped with just the right amount of cheese. Roasting brings out the sweetness of the veggies, packing the pizza with so much flavor that no sauce is needed.