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Los mejores alimentos para comprar al por mayor para personas con diabetes

A continuación se ofrecen algunos consejos para comprar alimentos al por mayor: Elija artículos que sean estables en almacenamiento y que se ajusten a su plan de alimentación. Etiquete y feche los artículos que reempaque y almacene. Esté atento a los cupones o las ventas BOGO (compre uno y llévese otro). Puede utilizar esta guía de compras al por mayor de alimentos para elegir algunas opciones aptas para la diabetes. Artículos de despensa aptos para la diabetes Cereales Integrales : Los cereales integrales como el arroz integral, el farro y la avena (y los alimentos integrales, como la pasta

10 Healthy Asian Recipes for People with Diabetes

Oatmeal Congee Congee is a traditional savory Chinese rice porridge. This congee recipe is made with rolled oats, which are a good source of fiber and can help manage blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. The congee oats can be made ahead of time and reheated without any loss of taste or texture. It’s perfect for anyone with a busy schedule who still wants a warm, nutritious meal. By adding in some non-starchy veggies and a fried egg, this is a satisfying and lower carb way to start your morning. Bulgogi Bulgogi is a delightful and flavorful Korean dish for those managing diabetes. By using beef

Easy, Healthy Ingredient Substitutions for People with Diabetes

If you are new to type 2 diabetes, you might be wondering what the best foods are to eat and how to cook them. Generally, doctors recommend nutrient-dense, low-fat, and low-carb foods. The good news is, when you cook at home you can make easy, healthy substitutes with basic items to help achieve these goals. Plus, there are lots of great alternatives at the grocery store that will benefit your lifestyle, and your diabetes management. Bonus, they taste great too! Whole Grains and Flours Contrary to popular belief, carbs are not your enemy. But some carbs (typically what we consider refined

Safe Grocery Shopping Tips for People with Diabetes

You know the phrase, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade? Well there’s a whole lot of lemons out there right now, and if you're like me, you're trying your best to stay positive during this difficult time and make some lemonade (albeit sugar-free lemonade). For instance, many of us have more time on our hands and are not being challenged by social events or eating out where it's hard to make healthy choices. Now is a great time to be inspired to cook at home, sit down to family meals, slow down, enjoy the food we eat, and be a little more mindful. Staying at home can be stressful for

Better than Resolutions: 6 Steps to Success in 2020

Unfortunately, resolutions rarely last very long or give us that huge impact we’re after. Resolutions tend to be grandiose and eventually feel like punishment. If you want to make changes this year, skip the resolutions and commit to a few small behavioral goals. Why Small Goals? Small behavioral goals are likely to become habits. A small goal such as eating 3 servings of non-starchy vegetables is much more realistic than overhauling your diet completely. By planning your steps to eat your vegetable servings day after day, you’ll soon have a good habit to rely on. They spur us on to bigger

The Importance of Protein for People with Diabetes

Unfortunately, many people with diabetes have trouble getting enough protein or consuming it in healthy ways. A recent study showed that half of the adults with diabetes who were surveyed did not consume the daily recommended amount of protein, which is 0.8g/kg of body weight. The adults who did not meet protein recommendations had significantly poorer diet quality and did not meet recommended nutrient intakes according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. They also had a significantly higher number of physical limitations, including trouble standing for long periods, kneeling, and pushing

6 Tips for Eating Right with Diabetes While on Vacation

Here are six tips to get your started: 1. Bring a cooler to store your own snacks on a road trip . Pack a variety of snacks like cut fresh or frozen/thawed fruit and veggies, individual bags of portioned almonds or roasted chickpeas, or plain popcorn. Balance these with protein-rich foods, like non-fat Greek yogurt cups, hardboiled eggs, and low-fat string cheese. Throughout your travels you should be able to find grocery stores that carry healthy snackable items to refill your cooler. 2. Pack healthy shelf stable snacks from home if traveling by plane , like portioned nuts and dried fruit or

How to Add Probiotics to Your Diabetes Eating Plan

Probiotics are live organisms that provide health benefits when consumed or applied topically. What Do Probiotics Do? The primary reason people consume probiotics, whether as a supplement or in probiotic-rich foods, is to improve gut health. Research is ongoing, however, the potential benefits of probiotics including treating gum disease, inflammation, and even high blood pressure. Probiotics work by filling the gut with “good” bacteria and helping maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in what is called the gut microbiome or microflora. This microbiome is made up of trillions of

How Losing Weight Helped Me with My Diabetes Journey

Dana R. was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the summer of 2020 after a routine check-up. The mom of three was told by her doctor that she needed to lose weight to better manage her blood glucose levels. Overwhelmed, Dana wasn’t sure where to start. So, she decided to try a weight-loss program that included an eating plan. There were some bumps along the way, but after two years, she lost more than 50 pounds. Here’s how Dana stuck to the plan: Outsmart Stress Eating Stressful weeks make staying on a weight-loss program that much more difficult, says Dana. “I’ve learned that sometimes things

Adopción de un Plan de Comidas para Personas que Padecen Diabetes y alguna Enfermedad Renal

Alimentos que encajan en su plan de alimentación Comer una variedad de alimentos ricos en nutrientes y mínimamente procesados le ayudará a alcanzar sus objetivos de salud. Elegir alimentos como cereales integrales, verduras, frutas, carne magra de ave, mariscos, proteínas vegetales, grasas cardiosaludables y lácteos desnatados puede ayudarle a ralentizar el avance de la ERC (enfermedad renal crónica), a manejar la diabetes y a obtener mejores resultados generales. Y es posible que necesite limitar los alimentos con potasio y fósforo en función de sus necesidades individuales; hable con su