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Beneficios sorprendentes de las compras de comestibles en línea

"Hacer pedidos de alimentos en línea puede ayudarle a tener más determinación al elegir alimentos", dice Rahaf Al Bochi, nutricionista dietista registrado y portavoz de la Academia de Nutrición y Dietética. A continuación se presentan algunos otros beneficios y estrategias para aprovechar al máximo su próximo (o primer) pedido. Más tiempo para planificar las comidas Quizás sepas que planificar tus comidas con anticipación es una forma de promover una buena nutrición. Las investigaciones han demostrado que las personas con diabetes que siguen un plan de alimentación controlan mejor el azúcar en

Los beneficios de agregar más proteínas de origen vegetal

¡Cambiar a más proteínas de origen vegetal no tiene por qué ser intimidante! No es necesario ser completamente vegano o vegetariano para experimentar los beneficios. Simplemente incluir más proteína de origen vegetal y un poco menos de proteína animal puede ayudar a reducir el riesgo. Cómo empezar con las proteínas de origen vegetal ¿Le preocupa que optar por productos vegetales signifique que no está obteniendo suficientes proteínas? ¡No lo seas! Es un viejo mito que es difícil obtener suficiente proteína con una dieta basada en plantas. Hay muchas formas de acumular proteínas. Comience por

Compartir juntos comidas deliciosas y nutritivas ayuda a las familias a mantenerse fuertes

La COVID-19 empujó al mundo a un territorio inexplorado. La cuarentena, el distanciamiento social y la interacción humana limitada hicieron que muchos se sintieran solos, aislados e insatisfechos. A medida que seguimos avanzando para volver a la “normalidad”, hay medidas que podemos tomar para apoyarnos mutuamente durante este período de transición. ¡Continuar comiendo más comidas familiares es un excelente punto de partida! La National Pork Board , USA Pulses y United Sorghum Checkoff Program se han unido para brindar consejos y recursos para hacer que las comidas familiares sean más

How Losing Weight Helped Me with My Diabetes Journey

Dana R. was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the summer of 2020 after a routine check-up. The mom of three was told by her doctor that she needed to lose weight to better manage her blood glucose levels. Overwhelmed, Dana wasn’t sure where to start. So, she decided to try a weight-loss program that included an eating plan. There were some bumps along the way, but after two years, she lost more than 50 pounds. Here’s how Dana stuck to the plan: Outsmart Stress Eating Stressful weeks make staying on a weight-loss program that much more difficult, says Dana. “I’ve learned that sometimes things

How Can I Save Money and Make Healthy Choices?

Make a Game Plan Planning ahead can take some stress out of shopping and help you save money. Ask yourself these questions: What does my week ahead look like? Are there days where lunch is provided Do I have plans to dine out or parties to attend? Are there events around dinner time that will delay or cause me to eat on the road? Do you have any recipes that use the same ingredients? Being able to use the same ingredients for a few recipes can be a great way to save money, and time, if you can prep them at one time. For example, make a Roasted Chicken and plan for leftovers. Use the leftovers

Cómo las comidas en familia pueden aportar beneficios para la salud

El estrés forma parte de la vida cotidiana, pero cuando se sostiene en forma continuada, puede sentar las bases de enfermedades graves. Por ejemplo, los altos niveles de estrés no aliviados pueden: provocar presión sanguínea ; contribuir a niveles elevados de glucosa en sangre (azúcar en sangre), ya que los niveles elevados de hormonas del estrés pueden afectar la capacidad del organismo para procesar la glucosa en sangre; dificultar el mantenimiento de un estilo de vida saludable. Cuando estamos estresados, es menos probable que practiquemos una actividad física regular, comamos bien o

4 Steps to Grocery Shopping Success

Step 1. Plan your meals. Whether you’re going to the grocery store or ordering groceries online, any successful shopping trip must begin with figuring out what you plan to eat. Try to plan out as many meals as possible for the week (or more). Try a combination of tried-and-true favorites and new recipes to expand your repertoire. Most of us focus on dinner when planning meals for the week, but think about breakfast and lunch, too. They don’t have to be complicated recipes but considered what foods you’ll want on hand to whip something together. For example, keep a variety of vegetables

Surviving Your First Holiday Season with Diabetes

Be Ready and Plan for Challenges "This season is full of special events, from office potlucks, to baking cookies with the kids, to formal dinners in fancy restaurants. Take inventory of all of your upcoming obligations and holiday events, and what challenges might come up at each one. Decide in advance which of these events is worthy of indulging (I know that I’d rather treat myself at certain events than others) and think of ways to manage some of the challenges you anticipate. Being prepared for challenging situations will make it easier to stay on track." –Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE

Football, Food, and Mom

Dont’a Hightower, Brendon Ayanbadejo, and brothers Reid and Blake Ferguson share something in common beyond football—amazing mothers on the sidelines. This Mother’s Day, Hightower, Ayanbedejo, and the Ferguson brothers tell us how diabetes impacts their families. They also divulge their favorite recipes, teaming up with a dietitian at Diabetes Food Hub to make the ingredients even more nutritious. Dont’a Hightower Linebacker Dont’a Hightower, who has two Super Bowl rings with New England, grew up celebrating food in Tennessee. “We loved to have family cookouts, big holiday meals, grilling

8 Diabetes-Friendly Burgers Under 200 Calories

The following burger patties all have fewer than 200 calories and 10 grams of fat. If you are trying to limit the carbohydrates (carbs) you eat, try serving your burger on a large piece of lettuce instead of a bun. Also be mindful of the condiments you are adding to your burger as they can increase calories, carbs, and sodium. Try these low-sodium sugar-free pickles or fruit-sweetened BBQ sauce for some diabetes-friendly options. Lean Protein Burgers Sensational Chicken Burger Calories: 165 | Fat: 6 | Carbs: 4 These juicy chicken burgers add in sun-dried tomatoes, onions, and herbs for extra