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Showing Results for: “eggplant”

How to Make Plant-Powered and Low-Carb Meals

Plant-based meals are packed with nutrients and minerals that are great for keeping the body powered. Even if you aren’t vegetarian or vegan, swapping a plant-based meal in one or twice a week could be beneficial. But how does that work with the Diabetes Plate ? The Diabetes Plate is a simple way to eat a lower carb, balanced meal. Created by the American Diabetes Association’s nutritional experts, this easy-to-follow method of meal planning and eating requires no measuring, weighing, or calculating. Using a 9-inch plate, fill half with non-starchy veggies. Then split the other half with ¼

Your Crash Diet Won't Work: Here are 12 Things that Will

According to Sacha Uelmen, Director of Nutrition at the American Diabetes Association, “The best way to improve your health is by creating healthier habits. And the best way to create habits is through small steps that happen slowly and gradually.” It’s tempting to take a moment of motivation, like the start of a new year, to commit to a bunch of changes all at once. But don’t spread your motivation too thin! “It’s best to focus on one goal at a time, and once that goal becomes a habit, move on to the next goal” says Uelmen. This year, instead of putting all your goals in one “New Year’s

6 Best Fresh Summer Herbs to Use

For people with diabetes, fresh herbs can be a game changer. They boost the deliciousness of a recipe without needing to add excess salt or butter. Research finds herbs, in general, provide naturally occurring polyphenols with strong antioxidant properties, offering potential benefits for people with or trying to prevent type 2 diabetes. How to Store Fresh Herbs Herbs should smell fresh and have no yellowing or sliminess. Consider storing fresh herbs by rinsing with water, patting the leaves dry, snipping 1/2-inch off stems, and keeping them in the fridge like a flower bouquet, gently covering

8 Mediterranean Diet Ingredients You Need in Your Pantry

But the Mediterranean diet is also part of the Mediterranean lifestyle. This lifestyle includes being physically active, enjoying meals with others, and drinking water. For those that drink alcohol, having wine in moderation can be part of the lifestyle, too. Following a Mediterranean lifestyle may play a role in improving insulin sensitivity and reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity. Plus, eating a Mediterranean diet may help with keeping your eyes healthy —namely vegetables, fruits, fish, and olive oil—may curb the risk of diabetes-related retinopathy. For cooking with

How to Make Indian Dishes Diabetes-Friendly

Rice Basmati rice is used often in Indian cooking for its aroma and fluffy texture. Some restaurants and grocery stores may offer brown basmati rice, which offers a little bit more fiber per serving than white basmati rice. Choosing brown over white rice will help keep your blood glucose (blood sugar) levels in your target range. The higher fiber content in brown basmati rice means slower digestion compared to white rice. This means a slower and steadier rise in blood glucose levels.. You can also consider swapping rice for riced cauliflower if it’s available at your grocery store. Riced

What is the Diabetes Plate?

The Diabetes Plate is the easiest way to create healthy low-carb meals that can help you manage your blood glucose (blood sugar). Using the Diabetes Plate, you can create a meal with a healthy balance of vegetables, protein, and carbs—without any counting, calculating, weighing, or measuring. All you need is a plate! To start out, you need a plate that is nine inches across . The size of our plate is what controls the size of our portions. If your dinner plates are larger than nine inches, try using a smaller salad or dessert plate for your meals. Or, if your dinner plates have a lip or