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Showing Results for: “green peas”

3 Ways to Revive Your Holiday Leftovers

You plan for the meals. You plan for the guests. Maybe you even plan for the feeling of equal parts relief and exhaustion once the holidays are actually over. But what about all the leftovers? The good news is, traditional holiday meals have got it all: protein, fiber, fat, and carbohydrates. A typical plate—say roast turkey with Brussels sprouts, green beans, and mashed sweet potatoes—ticks all the nutritional boxes, which is key for helping blood glucose (blood sugar) levels stay steady, says Angela Goscilo, MS, RD, a registered dietitian and senior manager of nutrition at WeightWatchers ®

What's in Season: Fresh Corn

One ear of fresh corn has 2.5 grams of gut-friendly fiber and 10% daily value of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that can help the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. Fresh corn (and frozen sweet corn) also contains the vitamins thiamine, folate, magnesium, and potassium. Thiamine keeps the nervous system healthy, folate helps to create healthy red blood cells, magnesium helps regulate blood glucose (also called blood sugar) and blood pressure, and potassium helps nerves and muscles function at their best. Corn is also high in lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that can help

25 Simple Snack Ideas

Related: To snack or not to snack? Read our article on healthy snacking, and whether or not snacking is right for you. NOTE: Calorie and carb amounts are approximate and do not include optional suggestions. 1. Turkey Cheese Wrap: Stack a slice of cheese on top of a slice of turkey deli meat. Top with a handful of fresh greens such as spinach or arugula and wrap tightly. (110 calories, 2 g carb) 2. Green Wrap: spread ¼ of an avocado over a small (6-inch) whole-wheat tortilla. Top with a handful of fresh greens such as spinach or arugula and wrap tightly. (160 calories, 18 g carb) 3. Savory

High Blood Sugar and Hunger

Why do you crave food when your blood glucose is high? Without enough insulin, your blood glucose rises above “normal” levels. Blood glucose levels above 140 mg/dL are considered high—also known as hyperglycemia. The higher your blood glucose rises, the louder those cravings and hunger pangs might become. While you’d think your body and your brain ought to be satisfied by the excess sugar in your bloodstream, it’s not that simple. Without enough insulin, your brain cannot make use of that glucose. Since the brain relies on a second-by-second delivery of sugar for fuel—and your brain doesn’t

Sopa de pollo y frijoles blancos con vegetales frescos

Esta receta viene del Libro de recetas dos pasos para diabéticos , de Nancy S. Hughes. Para pedirlo directamente a la Asociación Americana de la Diabetes, haz clic aquí .

Habichuelas con Arándanos y Avellanas

Alegra un acompañamiento de frijoles verdes con arándanos agrios, ralladura de limón fresco y avellanas crujientes. Esta sencillo acompañamiento parece gourmet, pero es muy fácil de preparar. También hace una adición estupenda y ligera a tu mesa de Acción de Gracias en lugar de la tradicional y pesada cacerola de habichuelas.

Menestra de verduras con romero fresco

Este guiso es como un mercado de agricultores en un tazón con su amplia gama de coloridas y tiernas verduras, incluyendo espárragos y calabacines verdes, zanahorias naranjas y calabazas de verano de color amarillo brillante. Si te gusta la jardinería, no dudes en crear nuevas combinaciones basadas en la abundancia de tu jardín.

Halibut con salsa criolla

Los tiernos filetes de pescado al horno se cubren con una salsa que comienza con la "santísima trinidad" de cebolla, apio y pimiento morrón, y luego aumenta el sabor con la adición de tomates, cebollinos, alcaparras y un toque de salsa de pimienta picante. Sírvelo con arroz integral o salvaje y una ensalada fresca como la ensalada de verduras picadas con queso feta .

Recipes to Make with Santa’s Little Helpers

Try these diabetes-friendly recipes that are kid-approved and perfect for serving at your next holiday get together. Diabetes-Friendly Holiday Appetizers Almond Cranberry Celery Logs Fat: 4g | Carbs: 6g A new twist on the childhood snack, "ants on a log"—this festive version is perfect for a holiday starter. Kids will have fun putting together these fun and healthy snacks and have just as much fun eating them, too! Veggie Dip Cups Fat: 4g | Carbs: 10g These veggie dip cups are a great way to involve kids in eating more veggies. Your little helpers can mix the dip together and pick which

Pinchos de Camarones a la Parrilla

Esta es una estupenda receta a la parrilla para el verano y los pinchos le dan a los camarones un giro sofisticado. Si tienes sobrantes, sirve los camarones fríos en una ensalada verde con un poco de queso feta reducido en grasa y vinagreta balsámica para el almuerzo.