Showing 591 - 600 of 673 results

Showing Results for: “green peas”

Budget-Friendly Asian Turkey Burgers

Looking for a way to spice up your burgers? Then this recipe is just for you! Sauces used in this recipe like oyster sauce, Thai chili garlic and Sriracha can be found in the ethnic food aisle at the grocery.

How Potatoes Can Fit in a Diabetes-Friendly Meal Plan

Nutritional Benefits of Potatoes Not only are potatoes delicious, they’re also an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, and B6, especially when the skin is left on and eaten. One medium potato, including the skin, contains approximately 30 percent of your daily recommendation of these three nutrients. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to reduce inflammation and prevent cell damage. Vitamin C also aids in collagen production, which helps maintain healthy gums and helps to heal wounds. Potatoes are also one of the best sources of potassium—one medium potato contains more potassium per serving

Roasted Vegetables

Author Barbara Seelig-Brown says, "Veggies are delicious when roasted. Their flavors are enhanced and the natural sugars are caramelized, which give them a nice crunch. Vary this recipe by using whatever veggies you like or roast one single vegetable at a time. I sometimes roast peeled beets or trimmed Brussels sprouts and even the naysayers always love them!"

Grilled Seafood and Quinoa Salad with Mango and Avocado

Latin American influence permeates this colorful recipe full of bold taste and textures. You can add any leftover cooked meats or seafood to this recipe.

General Tso’s Tofu with Broccoli

Chinese food minus the takeout menu? It’s possible to produce satisfying results that keep sodium and calories in check. This recipe calls for tofu that’s patted dry and sprinkled with cornstarch before baking, so it gets brown and crispy without deep frying. Serve over brown rice or cauliflower rice for a low carb meal.

Tuna Kebabs

When you’re looking to cook out, try fresh tuna flavored with an Asian-style marinade and skewered with bell peppers, tender squash, crunchy red onion, and succulent tomatoes and pineapple.

Ensalada de cordero, col rizada y granada

Esta colorida ensalada tiene un aspecto tan bueno como su sabor. La adición de cordero le da un aire de "ocasión especial" a este plato que, de otro modo, sería sencillo, mientras que la granada aumenta el sabor. Encuentra esta receta y otras más en la segunda edición de nuestro libro de cocina más vendido, El libro de cocina mediterránea para la diabetes. Para pedirlo directamente a la Asociación Americana de Diabetes, haz clic aquí .

Empanadas de hojaldre rellenas de maíz y queso

Si bien las empanadas son muy conocidas en Latinoamérica, en realidad provienen de los moros vía los españoles. Las llamaban plato tapado porque usaban la masa para proteger el relleno y evitar que se cubrieran de arena en sus viajes por el desierto. Debo decir que este platillo inventado por los árabes es brillante y, gracias a ellos, podemos disfrutar tantas versiones de las empanadas de hoy. Lo que no es fácil es encontrar masa de empanada saludable y deliciosa. Estas empanadas se hacen con hojaldre (phyllo), la masa griega en láminas delgadas, con un mínimo de grasa. Sírvanlas acompañadas