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Showing Results for: “green peas”

Tips for Managing Diabetes and Heart Health

Eat Smart If you have diabetes or prediabetes, you may be wondering what, when, and how much you should eat. It may surprise you that there is no “diabetes diet” or perfect amount of nutrients (protein, fat, or even carbohydrates) that’s right for every person with diabetes. Your eating plan—what, when, and how much you eat—should be personalized to meet your needs. A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) or Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) can help you create an eating plan that fits your lifestyle, eating preferences, health goals, and budget. Ask your primary health care provider if you

7 Tips for Boosting Flavor Without Salt

1. Add acids: Citrus fruits, such as lemons and limes, and vinegars play an important role in healthy cooking. Acids act a little like salt in that they help bring out the natural brightness of foods and work to meld flavors together. Try making a quick salad dressing with lemon juice and zest or red wine vinegar with a smidge of oil—or toss veggies and grains with citrus or vinegar to brighten them up. With this added pop of flavor, you’ll think it’s summer all year long! 2. Spice everything nice: Spices are a great way to add flavor and character to a dish without adding calories, fat, and

Save Time and Energy with Meal Prep

How to Save Time and Energy with Meal Prepping Always Have a Grocery List Shopping without a list, or worse, hungry, is an easy way to overspend and end up with a soggy bag of spoiled lettuce in the back of your refrigerator. Many people go shopping without a list and try to come up with a plan for all the ingredients they purchase afterward. Without a clear plan for how you will be using your groceries, they’re more likely to go to waste. Coming up with a recipe on the spot can be frustrating and may lead to people ending up at a drive-thru instead. Save time and money by always having a

Plato de frutas arcoíris apto para niños

¡Una receta rápida, fácil y colorida que cualquiera puede hacer! Pruébalo como desayuno, merienda o incluso postre.

Arroz integral simple con cebollas

Mejora el arroz integral con una sabrosa mezcla de salsa de soya y vinagre de arroz, además de cebolletas (u otras hierbas) para darle un toque de color y sabor fresco.

Wrap de pollo y lechuga tierna

¡LECHUGA te presenta tu nuevo wrap de pollo más saludable y favorito! Elaborada con filetes de pollo HORNO (nunca fritos) de CAULIPOWER, esta sabrosa receta no contiene gluten, lácteos y está repleta de proteínas, ¡lo que hace que su almuerzo entre semana sea un poco más CAULIPOWERful! Esta receta presentada por CAULIPOWER® , un orgulloso partidario de la American Diabetes Association® y Diabetes Food Hub® .

Smart Shopping on a Budget

Watch the video here. Fresh Produce Check sales flyers from your local store and see what fresh produce is on special, then find recipes that call for those vegetables. Or, try swapping out the fruits or vegetables to a more seasonal option in some of your favorite go-to recipes. Frozen and canned vegetables are also great options, especially for recipes like soups, stews, or stir frys. Looked for frozen vegetables with no added seasonings or sauces—the ingredients should just be the vegetables themselves. For canned options, look for "low sodium" or "no-salt-added." Rinse canned vegetables

Our Best Recipes for Your Holiday Table

For more help planning a diabetes-friendly Thanksgiving feast, check out our complete Thanksgiving Toolkit for a menu, grocery list, and game plan.

15 "Non-Recipes" for Easy Meals at Home

SNACKS Cheese & Tomato Kebabs Cut string cheese into coins, arrange on bamboo picks or reusable skewers with grape tomatoes, and drizzle with aged balsamic vinegar. Optional: Add fresh whole basil leaves onto the skewers. Apple Stack Core a small apple and cut into 4 round slices, spread the top of 3 of the slices (not the top slice) with natural, unsweetened peanut butter, sprin­kle cinnamon and no-sugar-added granola, and restack the slices into an apple shape. Almost Cowboy Caviar In a bowl, stir together equal amounts of canned, drained, no-salt-added black beans, canned or thawed frozen

Meal Prepping 101: 8 Tips for Getting Started

Meal prepping is a valuable strategy for individuals managing diabetes, providing a convenient and consistent way to stick with your healthy eating plan while juggling a busy schedule. By planning and prepping meals in advance, you can make sure you have nutritious options ready and available, making it easier to follow your eating plan and manage blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. What is meal prepping? Meal prepping simply means creating a batch of meals all at once to eat later. This can be great for busy families or if you have a schedule where easy grab-and-go meals will help you keep