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Surviving Your First Holiday Season with Diabetes

Be Ready and Plan for Challenges "This season is full of special events, from office potlucks, to baking cookies with the kids, to formal dinners in fancy restaurants. Take inventory of all of your upcoming obligations and holiday events, and what challenges might come up at each one. Decide in advance which of these events is worthy of indulging (I know that I’d rather treat myself at certain events than others) and think of ways to manage some of the challenges you anticipate. Being prepared for challenging situations will make it easier to stay on track." –Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE

How to Turn Fruits into Dessert

One of the biggest misconceptions about living with diabetes is that you can’t have fruit . While people with diabetes of course have to monitor their glucose levels, fruits provide numerous health benefits such as: Providing vitamins and minerals, including potassium, vitamin C, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin E. Providing fiber, which helps slow digestion and contributes to lower glucose levels and improved cholesterol. Being naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. Providing antioxidants that may protect you against certain types of cancers, free radicals, and diseases. A diet rich in

Produce Shopping Tips

Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables Let’s look at just some of the health benefits of fruit and vegetables. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables has nutrients like potassium that may reduce risk for stroke, other cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Fruits and vegetables contain folate, which helps the body form red blood cells, as well as health-promoting phytochemicals, including antioxidants, that maintain optimum health. Both fruits and vegetables have concentrations of vitamins, such as C and A, and minerals. And, of course, they’re full of dietary fiber, which helps

Miss Drinking Juice? Try These Citrus Hacks

The reason for this is simple. Fruit juices, and specifically citrus juices, have lots of carbs without the benefits of fiber and other nutrients from the actual fruit. For instance, an 8-ounce glass of orange juice contains 24 grams of carbs. Grapefruit juice has just a smidge less. If your diabetes management plan calls for 35 grams of carbs a meal, there’s not much left for you to eat after a glass of juice. Benefits of Eating Citrus People with diabetes have to be sensible eaters and weigh the decision of which food choices to make. Consider this: Enjoying a small orange contains just 11

What’s in Season: Sweet Potatoes

Nutritional Benefits of Sweet Potatoes One cup of sweet potatoes contains six grams of fiber, and over 700% the daily value of vitamin A. They’re also a great source of vitamin C, manganese, B6, and potassium. Sweet potatoes are also rich in antioxidants, which protect the body from free radicals. Excess free radicals in the body can lead to chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and premature aging. Eating more foods rich in antioxidants, like sweet potatoes, can help reduce the risk of chronic disease and inflammation in the body. The fiber in sweet potatoes can help keep the digestive

The Best Cereal for People with Diabetes

Hot vs. Cold Cereals Most cold cereals are filled with refined grains and sugars, scarce nutrients, preservatives, and lots of empty calories and carbohydrates (carbs). And you’re no doubt going to want to eat more than the suggested portion amount on the nutrition label. Hot cereal, like oatmeal made with rolled or steel-cut oats or other whole grains, are high in fiber and have a low glycemic index (GI). This means that these carbs are digested and absorbed more slowly, thus they create a smaller incremental rise and fall in blood glucose (blood sugar). For those who are trying to better

10 Gift Ideas for Foodies

There’s a lot that factors into developing cooking and eating habits that help support a new diabetes diagnosis. Learning better portion control, cooking with less fat and healthier fats, and having high-quality tools and equipment that inspire preparing healthy, delicious food. So, if you are planning on giving gifts to a relative or friend who wants to follow this eating plan, here are some ideas of useful kitchen tools and gadgets, from the American Diabetes Association ® (ADA) and elsewhere, to help them on this journey. Diabetes-Friendly Gift Ideas Under $20 The ADA’s Portion Control

What’s in Season: Spinach

Why You Should Be Eating Spinach Spinach is full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. But it’s also rich in oxalate, which can cause kidney stones in people who are at risk, so consult your doctor about including spinach in your diet. Dark, leafy greens, like spinach, are beneficial for our hair, skin, and bone health. Spinach can also help with blood glucose (blood sugar) management in those with diabetes. It’s a good source of vitamin C, plant-based iron, potassium, and magnesium. To better absorb the iron from spinach, pair it with a food high in vitamin C, such as strawberries or bell peppers

The Dangers of Yo-Yo Dieting

While most experts agree that losing weight can lead to many health benefits, how you lose weight is more controversial. Weight loss “diets” are unsustainable for most and often lead to “weight cycling”—a pattern of losing and regaining weight. Some research shows that this pattern of “yo-yo dieting”—going back and forth between losing weight on a restrictive diet, then gaining it back when the diet ends—may be doing more harm than good. In a study published in 2017 in The New England Journal of Medicine, people with dramatic fluctuations in body weight were 78 percent more likely to develop

How To Survive Out-of-Town Family Meals

This can be especially difficult over the holidays when carbs and fat-laden foods are everywhere. Your strict gym routine dissolves, along with your healthy eating habits. And, if you’ve lost some weight or told family or friends about your new lifestyle, you’re now under closer scrutiny by people eager to play diabetes cop. Instead of self-shaming, being stressed, or just giving up, there are ways to modify your routine and stay close to your established routine and goals. Take a walk. If you know that there’s some heavy-duty eating ahead and you can’t get to the gym, take a walk. Get out