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Showing Results for: “avocado”

Easy Chicken Panini

A toasty panini with crispy bread, warm tasty filling, and melty cheese makes a satisfying, diabetes-friendly lunch or light dinner. Cook the paninis in a pan (cast iron works great here) over low heat so that the filling warms all the way through without burning buring the bread. This is a great meal prep recipe: assemble all of the sandwiches ahead of time and wrap individually in foil, then toast the panini just before serving. Pair this sandwich with a simple side salad, like this Spinach, Avocado, and Summer Berry Salad , for a balanced, heart-healthy meal. Double Up: Cook a bouble batch

Ensalada deliciosa de Aguacate y Fresas con Piñones tostados

Digna de una ocasión especial, y aún así increíblemente simple. Esta es una de mis favoritas de todos los tiempos. Prueba con papaya o mango de temporada en lugar de las fresas.

Alfredo de Aguacate con Fideos de Calabacín

La salsa tradicional alfredo es un plato decadente hecho con mucha crema y mantequilla. Esta versión más ligera obtiene su cremosidad del aguacate, el cual está lleno de ácidos grados monoinsaturados saludables para el corazón (en vez de la grasa saturada hallada en la crema y la mantequilla). También añade mucha fibra al plato que generalmente no tiene. Para una comida baja en carbohidratos, mezclamos la salsa con fideos de calabacín en vez de pasta normal. Puedes cortar tu propio calabacín en espirales con una herramienta especial, o hacer cintas con un pelador de vegetales. También puede

Carb-Conscious Meal Makeovers

There are many ways to tweak your favorite meals to bring down the carb count so they fit in with your healthy eating plan. With some slight adjustments, it’s possible to prepare a meal that usually has 90 grams of carb to a more moderate 60 grams of carb. Make another smart swap or two and you can bring it down to a lower level still—about 30 grams. Whatever your favorite meal, there are ways to adjust the carbs to fit your personal health goals and still feel satisfied. A good rule of thumb is to follow the Diabetes Plate Method , and always load up half your plate with nonstarchy vegetables

How to Build the Perfect Salad

Building blocks of a perfect salad Greens: Every salad starts with a base of leafy greens, but there are lots of options out there! Light green lettuces like romaine or iceberg have the mildest flavor. Darker greens like spinach and kale are more nutrient dense, and have a stronger (sometimes bitter) flavor. “Spring” or “baby” greens are darker greens that are picked when the plant is young, so they have a milder flavor. Try adding shredded cabbage or carrots to your greens for a little crunch, or arugula for a peppery taste. Vegetables: Carrots, celery, cucumber, bell pepper, broccoli

Ensalada de Salmón a la Parrilla y Aguacate

Este es un estupendo platillo de mariscos que combinará bien con un pequeño acompañamiento de quinua, ¡o sencillamente añádelo a otro vegetal sin almidón como frijoles verdes o coliflor al vapor!

How to Cook Diabetes-Friendly Veggies

We all know eating veggies is good for us—their fiber alone can help you manage your weight and heart health. You’ll find two types of vegetables at the store: starchy vegetables (like peas, potatoes, and corn) and non-starchy vegetables (like broccoli, eggplant, and peppers). While all vegetables offer important nutrients for people with diabetes, you should aim to fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables for a balanced meal that doesn’t spike your blood glucose (blood sugar). With all this in mind, eating the same veggies in the same way every day can often become boring. Keep