Ziti Horneado con Vegetales

10 min prep time
30 min cook time
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Recipe by Cassandra L. Verdi, MPH, RD and Stephanie A. Dunbar, MPH, RD Origen Diabetes Superfoods Cookbook and Meal Planner Photo by Mittera
Veggie Baked Ziti

Cómo hacer Ziti Horneado con Vegetales

¡Disfruta un giro vegetariano en este plato de pasta favorito!

Encuentra esta receta y más en el Libro de Cocina de Superalimentos y Planificador de comidas para diabéticos. Para ordenar directamente de la American Diabetes Association, haz clic aquí


10 min prep time
30 min cook time
1 piece (about 3x3 inches)
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Prepara la pasta de acuerdo con las instrucciones del paquete, omitiendo cualquier sal o grasa añadida. Precalienta el horno a 375°F (191°C).
  2. Calienta el aceite de oliva en una sartén grande a fuego medio. Añadir la cebolla y saltear por 4 minutos. Luego añade el calabacín y el pimiento rojo y saltear otros 5-7 minutos o hasta que los vegetales estén bien cocidos.
  3. Mientras los vegetales se están cocinando, bate la ricota, huevo, parmesano, y pimienta en un tazón pequeño.
  4. Añadir los tomates cortados en cubos a la mezcla cocida de vegetales y caliéntalos. Incorpora la albahaca, pasta, y la mezcla de ricota.
  5. Rocía una bandeja para hornear de 9 x 13 pulgadas con aceite en aerosol, vierte la mezcla ziti, y espolvorea mozzarella por encima. Hornea por 25 minutos y sirve inmediatamente.

Información Nutricional

12 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 piece (about 3x3 inches)
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 140
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 3.5g 4%
    • Grasa Saturada 1g 5%
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 20mg 7%
  • Sodium 100mg 4%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 20g 7%
    • Dietary Fiber 3g 11%
    • Total Sugars 5g
  • Proteína 8g
  • Potasio 316mg 7%
  • Phosphorous 150mg
pasta penne integral
8 oz
aceite de oliva
2 tsp
chopped onion
1 cup
sliced zucchini
2 cups
chopped red bell pepper
1 cup
fat-free ricotta cheese
1 cup
shredded Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup
pimienta negra
to taste
no-salt-added diced tomatoes
1 (14.5 oz) can
chopped fresh basil
1/2 cup
rociador para cocinar antiadherente
shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
2/3 cup

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This was so good. Our family loved it. I added some ground turkey to it, and more seasonings. Next time I may make it with red lentil pasta, or chickpea pasta instead. We had it with salads. Definitely a keeper.


I had to make a few substitutions for what I had on hand: Organic ziti instead of whole wheat, fat-free cottage cheese instead of ricotta, purple pepper instead of red (from the garden), Monterey jack instead of mozzarella, Italian seasoning instead of fresh basil. The recipe was easy enough to follow and I think could be easily modified to suit individual taste (e.g. my wife isn't fond of black pepper so I omitted) and additional ingredients could be added/substituted such as additional squash varieties or even fresh, diced tomatoes. Next time I may even add sausage for a little extra kick. There wasn't much aroma as the dish baked so I was a bit skeptical as to how it would turn out and (the real test) if the teens would approve. The flavor wasn't "amazing!", but I did have more than the allotted 3"x3" serving. I will definitely make this again with a few modifications (fresh basil, sausage).


Instead of just black pepper and basil, I recommend creating a spice mix of:

- 1/4 tsp salt (omit if you can't have added salt)
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- 1/4 tsp onion powder
- 1/4 tsp garlic powder
- 1/4 tsp dried basil or Italian seasoning
- 1/4 tsp smoked or sweet paprika (your choice)

Pour the spices in with the ricotta, egg and parmesan cheese before mixing.

This spice mix adds a really delicious flavor to any vegetable or chicken dish.


I tried this recipe just after being diagnosed with type-2. I don't like cooking, but I've had to start doing so. This recipe was super easy and tasted very good. I omitted the onions and added sauteed mushrooms and fresh garlic for a touch more flavor. I will definitely add this to my meal prep rotation!