Haricots Verts with Hazelnuts (Fagiolini Alle Nocciole)

5 min prep time
15 min cook time
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Recipe by Amy Riolo Source The Italian Diabetes Cookbook Photo by Renée Comet
Haricots Verts with Hazelnuts (Fagiolini Alle Nocciole)

How to Make Haricots Verts with Hazelnuts (Fagiolini Alle Nocciole)

The classic combination of green beans and hazelnuts is as healthful as it is tasty. Variations of this dish can be found throughout Italy during the appropriate season. Hazelnuts are one of the oldest cultivated crops in Europe; records of them being traded from the ports of Genoa go back to the 11th century. Currently, Turkey and Italy produce the majority of the world’s hazelnuts.

5 min prep time
15 min cook time
1/2 cup
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Step-By-Step Instructions:

  1. Preheat oven to 375°F.

  2. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add haricots verts. Reduce heat to medium and cook until just tender, 3–4 minutes. Drain, and plunge haricots verts into an ice-water bath to chill. Drain, and set aside. (This can be done up to a day in advance.)

  3. Heat 1 tablespoon. oil in a large, wide skillet over medium heat Add onion, salt, and pepper, and cook, stirring occasionally, until onions are light golden brown, 4–5 minutes.

  4. Meanwhile, place hazelnuts in a baking pan and toast in the oven until they darken, 5–7 minutes. Chop roughly and set aside.

  5. In a large skillet, heat the remaining 1 tablespoon. olive oil over medium-high heat. Add haricots verts and cook, stirring occasionally, until heated through, about 3 minutes. Add cooked onions and hazelnuts and cook 1 additional minute. Transfer to a serving dish, and serve.


Nutrition facts

6 Servings

  • Serving Size
    1/2 cup
  • Amount per serving Calories 160
  • Total Fat 12g
    • Saturated Fat 1.2g
    • Trans Fats 0g
  • Cholesterol 0mg
  • Sodium 200mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 13g
    • Dietary Fiber 6g
    • Total Sugars 3g
  • Protein 4g
  • Potassium 350mg
  • Phosphorous 85mg
haricots verts (green beans), stem ends trimmed
1 1/2 lbs
extra virgin olive oil, divided
2 tbsp
yellow onion, diced
unrefined sea salt, divided
1/2 tsp
freshly ground black pepper
1/8 tsp
hazelnuts, blanched
1/3 cup

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