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Showing Results for: “버버리 스카프 VVs2.Top 명품 짝퉁 짝퉁 명품 프라다 신발 2023 신상 신발 ozE”

10 Tips for Buying Frozen Pizzas

Follow these tips the next time you’re shopping for frozen pizzas to make a choice that better supports your diabetes management. Tips for Buying Frozen Pizzas 1. Check the carb count. Carbohydrates (carbs) impact your blood glucose (blood sugar) the most. The amount of carbs you should eat a day varies from person to person, but when browsing the frozen pizza aisle, check the Nutrition Facts label and take home the pizza with the fewest amount of carbs per serving. 2. Watch the sodium. Frozen pizzas tend to have high amounts of sodium—especially when the pizza has processed meats, like

How Losing Weight Helped Me with My Diabetes Journey

Dana R. was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the summer of 2020 after a routine check-up. The mom of three was told by her doctor that she needed to lose weight to better manage her blood glucose levels. Overwhelmed, Dana wasn’t sure where to start. So, she decided to try a weight-loss program that included an eating plan. There were some bumps along the way, but after two years, she lost more than 50 pounds. Here’s how Dana stuck to the plan: Outsmart Stress Eating Stressful weeks make staying on a weight-loss program that much more difficult, says Dana. “I’ve learned that sometimes things

Cómo me ayudó perder peso en mi viaje hacia la diabetes

A Dana R. le diagnosticaron diabetes tipo 2 en el verano de 2020 después de un chequeo de rutina. Su médico le dijo a la madre de tres hijos que necesitaba perder peso para controlar mejor sus niveles de glucosa en sangre. Abrumada, Dana no estaba segura de por dónde empezar. Entonces decidió probar un programa de pérdida de peso que incluía un plan de alimentación. Hubo algunos obstáculos en el camino, pero después de dos años, perdió más de 50 libras. Así es como Dana cumplió con el plan: Superar el estrés al comer Las semanas estresantes hacen que seguir un programa de pérdida de peso sea

3 Ways to Keep Your Health Goals on Track for the Holidays

Embrace Balance It’s easy to take on an all-or-nothing mindset with food, especially when the holidays roll around: You swear off treats completely. But if you make a misstep? Well, then you might as well just forget your whole healthy-eating plan altogether. But, as with life, eating patterns aren’t so black and white. “You don’t have to give up your favorite foods completely to be healthy,” says Angela Goscilo, MS, RD, a registered dietitian and senior manager of nutrition at WeightWatchers ® . Instead of depriving yourself, Goscilo says to just be strategic about them: Make smart swaps

Tres formas de mantener sus objetivos de salud encaminados durante las fiestas

Abrazar el equilibrio Es fácil adoptar una mentalidad de todo o nada con la comida, especialmente cuando se acercan las fiestas: renuncias por completo a las golosinas. ¿Pero si das un paso en falso? Bueno, entonces es mejor que olvides por completo todo tu plan de alimentación saludable. Pero, como ocurre con la vida, los patrones alimentarios no son tan blancos o negros. "No es necesario que renuncie por completo a sus comidas favoritas para estar saludable", dice Angela Goscilo, MS, RD, dietista registrada y gerente senior de nutrición de WeightWatchers ® . En lugar de privarte, Goscilo

3 Ways to Revive Your Holiday Leftovers

You plan for the meals. You plan for the guests. Maybe you even plan for the feeling of equal parts relief and exhaustion once the holidays are actually over. But what about all the leftovers? The good news is, traditional holiday meals have got it all: protein, fiber, fat, and carbohydrates. A typical plate—say roast turkey with Brussels sprouts, green beans, and mashed sweet potatoes—ticks all the nutritional boxes, which is key for helping blood glucose (blood sugar) levels stay steady, says Angela Goscilo, MS, RD, a registered dietitian and senior manager of nutrition at WeightWatchers ®

Tres formas de revivir las sobras de las fiestas

Tú planificas las comidas. Tú planificas para los invitados. Tal vez incluso planee la sensación de alivio y agotamiento a partes iguales una vez que terminen las vacaciones. Pero ¿qué pasa con todas las sobras? La buena noticia es que las comidas tradicionales navideñas lo tienen todo: proteínas, fibra, grasas y carbohidratos. Un plato típico (por ejemplo, pavo asado con coles de Bruselas, judías verdes y puré de batatas) cumple todos los requisitos nutricionales, lo cual es clave para ayudar a que los niveles de glucosa en la sangre (azúcar en la sangre) se mantengan estables, dice Angela

Pineapple Peach Sorbet

Fruit sorbet is a satisfying dessert that gets it's sweetness from natural sugars in fruit, plus all the nutrients and fiber found in fresh fruit. When fresh produce is in season, cut up and freeze the fruit yourself. Otherwise, you can find an abundance of frozen fruit in the grocer’s freezer. Play around with other fruit combinations like mango-strawberry, peach-raspberry or pineapple-banana. You could pour the mixture into popsicle molds, too, for a perfectly portioned treat.

Instant Pot Chia Berry Crepes

Chia seeds are a diabetes superfood—they're loaded with fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. They also form a gel when added to liquids, so they can help thicken sauces, dressings, and jellies. In this recipes, chia seeds are combined with frozen berries to create a jam-like fruit filling with very little added sugar. You can make your own crepes or look for premade crepes in the produce section of your grocery store for a super easy sweet treat. Or you could use the chia-berry jam to top toast, waffles, or oatmeal for breakfast. Find this recipe and more in The Instant Pot Diabetes