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Showing Results for: “cheese”

Cacerola de Papas

Una cacerola de papas con queso es un platillo festivo preferido por muchas familias. Sin embargo, este plato generalmente está cargado con calorías, grasa, y carbohidratos. Esta versión más saludable de cacerola de papas te ahorrará cientos de calorías y muchos gramos de grasa.

4 Important Nutrients for Women

Every woman has different nutritional needs depending on her stage of life, but here are four essential nutrients important to women’s health. Calcium Calcium is essential to build and maintain strong bones and avoid osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a common condition where bones become weak and deteriorate. But calcium does more than support bones! Women need calcium to keep their heart, muscles, and nerves functioning properly. Studies also suggest that calcium with vitamin D may protect against cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Foods Rich in Calcium Because our bodies don’t produce

How Losing Weight Helped Me with My Diabetes Journey

Dana R. was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the summer of 2020 after a routine check-up. The mom of three was told by her doctor that she needed to lose weight to better manage her blood glucose levels. Overwhelmed, Dana wasn’t sure where to start. So, she decided to try a weight-loss program that included an eating plan. There were some bumps along the way, but after two years, she lost more than 50 pounds. Here’s how Dana stuck to the plan: Outsmart Stress Eating Stressful weeks make staying on a weight-loss program that much more difficult, says Dana. “I’ve learned that sometimes things

Tasty Tips for Traveling

With all of the details to keep track of when planning a trip, meals can end up being a last-minute challenge with limited healthy choices. As a result, it’s easy to get out of your routine, including those habits that help you manage your diabetes day to day. But with a few tips in mind, you can keep up with that healthy routine as if you were right at home. On the Road or By Plane As you travel to your vacation destination, your normal routine gets interrupted, and you may be bombarded with a number of snack stands and fast food restaurants tempting you with unhealthy options. Here are a few

How to Start a Healthy Day

Eating breakfast has shown to help boost metabolism, which means your body does a better job managing your weight. This can be a key factor for some people in managing their diabetes too. But whether you’re a student, parent, or working professional, your busy schedule might keep you from eating a balanced breakfast in the mornings. Make Breakfast While You Sleep That sounds impossible, doesn’t it? Not quite! There are many unique “overnight oatmeal” recipes out there, but all you need to remember is the most basic recipe. Try this: simply mix ¼ cup oats and ½ cup low-fat milk (or milk

Meal Prepping 101: 8 Tips for Getting Started

Meal prepping is a valuable strategy for individuals managing diabetes, providing a convenient and consistent way to stick with your healthy eating plan while juggling a busy schedule. By planning and prepping meals in advance, you can make sure you have nutritious options ready and available, making it easier to follow your eating plan and manage blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. What is meal prepping? Meal prepping simply means creating a batch of meals all at once to eat later. This can be great for busy families or if you have a schedule where easy grab-and-go meals will help you keep

Flank Steak With Herb Stuffing

Many years ago, recipe developer and cookbook author Barbara Seelig-Brown won a cooking contest with this recipe, which was inspired by a recipe from a dear friend. If you're looking to impress, garnish with edible flowers such as nasturtiums for a very special presentation. Better grocery stores will have edible flowers in the produce department or you can grow your own!

Ensalada de Espárragos afeitados, rábano y parmesano

¿Nunca has probado espárragos crudos? ¡Esta es tu oportunidad! El queso parmesano, la picante mostaza Dijon y el limón en este aderezo son un acompañamiento audaz para los espárragos finamente rebanados y los rábanos picantes.

Mini Frittatas de vegetales

¿Buscas una forma baja en carbohidratos para comenzar tu día? ¡Estas pequeñas frittatas constituyen un desayuno rápido y saludable! Esta receta es solo un comienzo, así que no dudes en experimentar con distintos vegetales, como calabacín, espárragos, o espinaca.

Frittata de Cebolla, Chalotes y Hierbas

¿Buscas un desayuno ligero y sencillo para disfrutarlo con la familia durante los días festivos? Esta frittata hará el trabajo. Sírvela con algunos vegetales verdes, una tostada integral y algo de fruta a un lado si tu plan de alimentación lo permite.