Meal Planning for a Mediterranean-Style Eating Pattern

Meal planning is a powerful tool for diabetes management. Planning out your meals for the week helps you build a grocery list so you buy just what you need. And once you have everything on hand, it's easier to prepare meals throughout the week and stick to your plan. Read on for tips from cookbook author Amy Riolo on Mediterranean-style meal planning, and a one-week Mediterranean meal plan to get you started!

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Mediterranean Lifestyle: Tips for Bringing Joy Back to the Kitchen

It seems fitting that May is Mediterranean Diet Month: Springtime is a time for celebrations, and the Mediterranean-style eating pattern focuses so much on celebrating food and enjoying meals in the company of others. This lifestyle may be just as important for enjoying the many health benefits of the Mediterranean-style eating pattern as the food itself, yet it is something that is often overlooked when we talk about the “Mediterranean Diet” in pop culture. As we begin celebrating Mediterranean Diet Month, let’s take a moment to focus on lifestyle and how we can bring joy back to the kitchen.

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The Benefits of Adding More Plant-Based Proteins

Registered Dietitians suggest including more sources of plant-based protein in your diet. Research has linked eating less meat with a lower risk of chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and even certain types of cancer. Plus, it’s a more sustainable choice for the environment.

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