Your Crash Diet Won't Work: Here are 12 Things that Will

Ringing in the new year often means ringing in a new diet (along with a bunch of other resolutions). But our high hopes and good intentions often fade within a few weeks, leaving us feeling like failures. Research has repeatedly shown that crash diets and fad diets simply do not work when it comes to long term weight loss. In 2019, let’s take a different approach to make this your healthiest year!


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5 Superfoods to Eat More of in 2019

Pick up any health magazine today, and you’ll probably come across a list of “superfoods.” This is a common term in today’s world…but what does it actually mean? And can superfoods be helpful for people with diabetes?

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Top 20 Recipes of 2018

As we move into the new year and thoughts turn to healthy resolutions and diabetes meal planning, the Diabetes Food Hub team looked back at the first year of the site and reviewed the most popular recipes as determined by, you, our visitors. Favorites ranged from a low-carb chicken and mushroom superstar to breakfast frittatas just begging for a personal spin. Altogether, they make a fantastic round up of meals designed to help you be the best you in 2019 and beyond. Click on the slideshow below to see the top crowd pleasers of 2018.

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