Showing 671 - 680 of 1131 results

Showing Results for: “홍콩 직수입 명품 명품 브랜드 순위 100 동대문 이미테이션 상가 코스테스 주소 oiB”

Salmón a la Parrilla con Salsa de Mango y Tomate

El mango y otra fruta pueden añadir un ligero dulzor a cualquier salsa. Funciona particularmente bien con este plato de salmón ligeramente picante. Asar los filetes de salmón con la piel los hace más fácil de voltear y ayuda a evitar que se peguen. El echar aceite a tus rejillas también puede evitar que se peguen: sumerge una toalla de papel en forma de bola en aceite y frótala ligeramente sobre las rejillas limpias. También puedes cocinar el salmón en el horno: Precalienta el horno a 425° (218°C) y hornea el salmón en una bandeja para hornear de poca profundidad por unos 10 minutos o hasta

Huevos endemoniados de Dijón y Rábano picante

Los huevos endemoniados son un estupendo bocadillo o aperitivo bajo en carbohidratos. ¡Y son perfectos para el tiempo de Pascua si tienes muchos sobrantes de huevos coloreados! Este platillo tradicional presenta la vigorizante mostaza dijon y rábano picante para un sabor adicional sin mucha sal añadida. Sustituimos la mayoría de la mayonesa por yogur natural para un relleno más ligero.

Ensalada de remolacha y pollo asado con queso de cabra

Para ahorrar tiempo, puedes utilizar la carne de pechuga de pollo de un pollo asado del supermercado para hacer esta receta.

Gingered Pumpkin Bisque

This sweet and savory soup combines pumpkin, pear, and fresh ginger into a creamy soup that will warm you up on a chilly fall day. You can toss everything in a slow-cooker and let it cook all day, so dinner is ready when you come home from work. Pair this dish with an Arugula, Pear, Walnut, & Pecorino Salad for a fall-themed soup-and-salad combo or Tarragon Herbed Chicken and Mushrooms for something heartier. Find this recipe and more in our cookbook, The Diabetes Fast-Fix Slow Cooker Cookbook


Shakshuka is a popular breakfast in North Africa and the Middle East. It’s a great low-carb, veggie-rich breakfast, or a quick and easy dinner. No zucchini? Use bell peppers or eggplant instead. This recipe is adapted from Melissa Clark’s version in The New York Times., and is featured in the cookbook, The Six O'Clock Scramble Meal Planner , published by the American Diabetes Association.

Bangers and Mash

Bangers and Mash is a traditional Irish Pub food that is usually very high in fat and carbs. This healthier version uses home made turkey sausage and mashed sweet potatoes to make it more diabetes-friendly and heart healthy.

Ponzu Pork Tacos with Mandarin Oranges

Take taco Tuesday to the next level with this diabetes-friendly recipe! The Japanese ponzu sauce adds Asian-inspired flair to the traditionally Mexican taco. A little bit sweet, a little bit salty, with a touch of heat from red peppers, this recipe checks all the boxes. Make a Japanese cucumber salad as a side dish for a veggie-rich meal.

Gluten-Free Mini Eggnog Cupcakes

Ring in the holiday season with these light and sweet mini eggnog cupcakes! While “mini” is in the name, the flavor of these cupcakes is big. Eggnog, cinnamon, nutmeg, and zero-calorie Splenda® Stevia Sweetener will make your tastebuds merry and they’re only 80 calories! If you can’t get a hold of eggnog, any milk may be used—they will still have plenty of eggnog flavor from the eggs and spices.

Red Quinoa and Farro

Looking for a grain side dish that isn't plain old rice? Shake things up with this red quinoa and farro! The grains are flavored with a tangy dressing made with lime juice and oregano, plus a little heat from crushed red pepper flakes. If you can't find red quinoa, regular white quinoa works just as well. Pair this side dish with a seasonal salad and a lean protein, like this Seared Scallops with Pesto Sauce , for a complete, balanced meal.

Grilled Salmon with Mango and Tomato Salsa

Mango and other fruit can add a slight sweetness to any salsa. It works particularly well with this slightly spicy salmon dish. Grilling salmon fillets with the skin on makes them easier to flip and helps prevent sticking. Oiling your grill grates can also prevent sticking: dip a balled up paper towel in oil and rubbing lightly over clean grill grates. You could also cook the salmon in the oven: Preheat oven to 425 degrees and bake the salmon in a shallow baking pan for about 10 minutes or until cooked through.