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Relleno de salvia

Aquí hay una receta de relleno que está en el lado más saludable pero que emocionará a tus invitados. Nuestro relleno de salvia utiliza pan integral, nueces ricas en omega-3 y arándanos para darle un toque festivo.

Pasteles de verduras de raíz

Estos pasteles son una gran guarnición o tentempié y son excelentes cuando se combinan con nuestro estofado de ternera y boniato .

Mantequilla De Manzana Casera

¿Qué hacer con todas esas deliciosas manzanas ricas en vitamina C durante la temporada de manzanas? ¡Haz mantequilla de manzana casera, por supuesto! Para esta receta, agregue tres libras de sus manzanas favoritas y realce el sabor con Splenda® Stevia Endulzante 100% natural, canela, clavo y nuez moscada. Agrega la mantequilla de manzana a tu avena matutina, úntala sobre tostadas integrales o agrégala como glaseado a la carne.

Barras de proteínas de calabaza y manzana

Congela estas barritas en bolsas individuales de tamaño snack y lleva contigo una de camino al gimnasio para merendar después de un buen entrenamiento. Asegúrate de usar calabaza enlatada, no el relleno de pastel de calabaza que tiene azúcar adicional.

Thanksgiving Green Beans with Cranberries and Hazelnuts

Brighten up a side of green beans with tart cranberries, fresh lemon zest, and crunchy hazelnuts! This simple side dish feels gourmet but is super easy to prepare. It also makes a nice, light addition to your Thanksgiving table instead of the traditional, heavy green bean casserole. If you can't find hazelnuts, sliced almonds, walnuts, or pecans work just as well. This recipe is part of our Diabetes-Friendly Thanksgiving Meal Plan and has been modified to make 10 servings. The original recipe makes 16 servings and can be found here .

Tropical Kale Quinoa Salad

This is a great side for those who like a little sweet in an otherwise savory dish. You can make this dish ahead of time and serve it warm or cold.

Sage Stuffing

Here’s a stuffing recipe that’s on the healthier side but will still thrill your guests. Our Sage Stuffing uses whole grain bread, omega-3 rich walnuts and cranberries to give it a holiday twist.

Homemade Apple Butter

What to do with all those delicious, vitamin C-rich apples during apple season? Make homemade apple butter of course! For this recipe, add three pounds of your favorite apples and boost the flavor with 100% natural Splenda® Stevia Sweetener, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. Stir the apple butter into your morning oatmeal, spread it on whole grain toast, or add it as a glaze to meat!

Pumpkin Apple Protein Bars

Freeze these bars in individual snack size bags and grab one on your way to the gym to have as a snack after a good workout! Be sure to use canned pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling which has extra sugar added to it.

Sweet and Creamy Corn

Even when you think you have only enough time to open a can of vegetables, you can make this tasty side instead.