Showing 181 - 190 of 207 results

Showing Results for: “avocado”

CKD Pre-Built Non-Dialysis Meal Plan

Day 1 Breakfast Recipes A hearty twist on a classic dish to fuel your mornings. The addition of quinoa to oats boosts the fiber and provides a vegetarian protein source. Add a drizzle of honey, a dash of cinnamon and some fresh berries and you have a well-rounded dish. This recipe can also be doubled, portioned into single-servings and reheated for a quick weekday breakfast. If you need extra protein try Sweet and Smoky Baked Eggs or add scrambled egg whites or a hardboiled egg on the side. Lunch Recipes Check out this amazingly simple yet delicious recipe. Not only is it is low in

Wrap de pollo y lechuga tierna

¡LECHUGA te presenta tu nuevo wrap de pollo más saludable y favorito! Elaborada con filetes de pollo HORNO (nunca fritos) de CAULIPOWER, esta sabrosa receta no contiene gluten, lácteos y está repleta de proteínas, ¡lo que hace que su almuerzo entre semana sea un poco más CAULIPOWERful! Esta receta presentada por CAULIPOWER® , un orgulloso partidario de la American Diabetes Association® y Diabetes Food Hub® .

Ask the Experts: What is the ADA Diet?

Quick answer: There isn’t one. At least not one exact diet that will meet the nutrition needs of everyone living with diabetes. Which, in some ways, is unfortunate. Just think how simple it would be to plan meals if there were a one-size-fits-all plan that worked for everyone living with diabetes, prediabetes, or at risk for diabetes. Boring, yes, but simple! As we all know, it’s much harder than that. We don’t often make food choices based on nutrition science alone —we often also make food choices for social, cultural, or emotional reasons. And because each of us is different, we each need

Consejos para un plan de alimentación bajo en carbohidratos

Consulte las recetas a continuación para obtener ideas de comidas bajas en carbohidratos. Puede incluir estas recetas en su plan de alimentación semanal de la forma que mejor le convenga. Utilice el Planificador de comidas interactivo en Diabetes Food Hub para planificar su semana. Una vez que haya creado su cuenta gratuita , puede guardar recetas y luego arrastrarlas y soltarlas en su plan de alimentación. Haga clic aquí para obtener más consejos sobre cómo utilizar Diabetes Food Hub Como siempre, lo alentamos a trabajar con un dietista registrado (RD/RDN) o un especialista en educación y

Maple-Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal Cookies

Enjoy all the flavors of fall with these hearty maple-pumpkin spice oatmeal cookies. Diabetes-friendly and made using natural sugars, these cookies will satisfy your pumpkin spice sweet tooth without derailing your diabetes management plan.

Dark Chocolate Zucchini Bread Snack Squares

If you’ve got a chocolate craving, try these naturally sweetened dark chocolate zucchini bread snack squares! Moist and rich, these brownie-like treats are a great dessert for people with diabetes. Plus, you can easily customize this recipe to your favorite flavors! Want to add a little crunch? Stir in chopped pistachios, chopped walnuts, or cacao nibs along with the zucchini. Note: Optional ingredients are not included in the nutritional analysis.

Guacamole brasileño

Con tantos colores y sabores bailando juntos, ¡este guacamole es una fiesta en tu lengua! Utilízalo como un aderezo para vegetales frescos u hojuelas de tortilla, o añádelo a sándwiches y burritos. Sabe delicioso el día que lo haces, y se pone incluso mejor al día siguiente, cuando todos los sabores se mezclan. El resultado es refrescante y demasiado satisfaciente.

Low-Carb Rosemary Flax Crackers

There are a growing number of low carb cracker options in stores, but why not try making your own? These savory crackers are made with rosemary and parmesan. Chia and flax seeds provide tons of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. The result is crispy crackers with only 4 grams of carbohydrate and 3 grams of fiber per serving!

The Formula for a Diabetes-Friendly Lunch

The Healthy Lunch Formula A simple "formula" can guide your meal preparation, ensuring you include key food groups that support blood glucose management and overall health. Here’s what you should aim to have in your lunch. Lean protein : Incorporating lean protein into your lunch promotes satiety, helps slow the absorption of carbohydrates, and prevents rapid spikes in blood glucose levels after eating. This can contribute to better diabetes management and reduce the risk of hyperglycemia (high blood glucose)—keeping you feeling full and satisfied until your next meal. Protein-rich foods also

Blondies de mantequilla de maní con semillas de cacao

Si te encantan las tazas de mantequilla de maní, ¡te encantarán estas rubias de mantequilla de maní con semillas de cacao, aptas para personas con diabetes! Estas barras cakey utilizan edulcorantes naturales para realzar el sabor y los nutrientes de este postre. Las barras rubias tienen un rico sabor a mantequilla de maní y son excelentes para cuando anhelas un dulce que no interrumpa tu plan de control de la diabetes.