Showing 521 - 530 of 1135 results

Showing Results for: “명품 이미테이션 쇼핑몰 VVs2.Top 중저가 명품 브랜드 가품사이트 추천 명품 브랜드 순위 100 oo”

Tots de coliflor con queso

Sirve estos sabrosos tots a la familia como acompañamiento de la cena. No solo son una versión mucho más saludable y apta para diabéticos de los clásicos tater tots, sino que el sabor es tan parecido que no se darán cuenta de que están comiendo coliflor.

Cazuela de nachos con pollo

¿Quién dijo que no se pueden comer "nachos" si uno tiene diabetes? Prueba esta versión saludable que tiene todo el sabor de los nachos tradicionales sin toda la grasa y carbohidratos adicionales.

Albóndigas italianas rellenas de pastel de carne

Estas albóndigas italianas rellenas de pastel de carne no son el pastel de carne de tu abuela. Son una comida divertida para fiestas y a los niños también les encantan. Sirva con ensalada verde y polenta para una elegante comida italiana.

Pizza de verduras asadas con masa filo

Una colorida variedad de verduras frescas anida en una corteza de filo escamosa y baja en carbohidratos, y se cubre con la cantidad justa de queso. El asado resalta la dulzura de las verduras y aporta tanto sabor a la pizza que no se necesita ninguna salsa.

Grilled Pork and Cheese Quesadillas

A Mexican favorite can now be yours. When a quesadilla is grilled rather than prepared in an indoor oven, the result is smoky, rich-flavored quesadilla. If you can’t grill outside, this works great prepared on a stovetop grill pan.

Lasagna Cupcakes

Author Robyn Webb: "I’m not particularly fond of the massive cupcake trend that hit the nation not too long ago, but making lasagna into "cupcakes" is a movement I could get behind. When you want all the elements of lasagna in a low-calorie, very easy to serve way, my Lasagna Cupcakes fit the bill. These are great to bring to a party as they transport beautifully." This recipe from The Perfect Diabetes Comfort Food Collection , by Robyn S. Webb. To order directly from the American Diabetes Association, click here .

Two-Bean Stew

The Two-Bean Stew is a delightful blend of chickpeas and cannellini beans, enriched with a medley of vegetables such as onions, celery, carrots, and leeks. This stew is seasoned with garlic, white wine, and diced tomatoes, which infuse it with a rich, aromatic flavor, while fresh oregano adds a touch of herbal freshness. A hint of lemon juice and zest brings a refreshing citrus twist, perfectly balancing the savory notes. This stew is not only a feast for the taste buds but also a nutritious choice, packed with fiber and protein. It's a versatile dish that fits well within Mediterranean and

Seared Scallops with Pesto Sauce

Sea scallops are quite simple to cook and have a mild, buttery flavor. This recipe calls for topping the scallops with a light pesto sauce, but you can swap with another sauce, or even a simple squeeze of lemon. Complete your plate with a fresh, seasonal salad and a grain side dish, like this Red Quinoa and Farro .

Turkey Tostadas

Serve this dish with a salad and your favorite salsa.