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Showing Results for: “green peas”

Hoppin' John (moros con cristianos) de Cebada con Kielbasa de Pavo

Es una tradición de buena suerte comer alubias carillas el Día de Año Nuevo. ¿Por qué solamente aquí? ¡Disfruta este suculento Hoppin' John cualquier día del año! Este plato generalmente está hecho con arroz, pero la cebada añade más fibra y una textura interesante.

Salad Greens with Spiced Pecans

The pecans, which are a source of heart-healthy fat, are the star of this salad. You might want to make a double batch because they make a great snack too. If you don’t like goat cheese, you can substitute blue cheese in this recipe.

Miso Glazed Cod

Broiling fish fillets and stir-frying vegetables makes this savory 20-minute meal come together in a flash. Serve with brown rice or another whole grain if desired.

Chicken or Turkey Pot Pie

Comfort food can be enjoyed even if you want to cook healthier. Phyllo dough makes a fabulously crispy top crust without the fat. Garlic mashed potatoes make a great alternative top “crust.” This recipe from The Stress Free Kitchen , by Barbara Seelig-Brown. To order directly from the American Diabetes Association, click here .

Spinach Sautéed in Garlic and Oil

This “recipe” is so simple, but it’s an easy, healthful and tasty way to cook fresh spinach. Vegetables of any kind—cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, potatoes and/or green beans—can be blanched until just tender, and prepared the same way.

4 Important Nutrients for Women

Every woman has different nutritional needs depending on her stage of life, but here are four essential nutrients important to women’s health. Calcium Calcium is essential to build and maintain strong bones and avoid osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a common condition where bones become weak and deteriorate. But calcium does more than support bones! Women need calcium to keep their heart, muscles, and nerves functioning properly. Studies also suggest that calcium with vitamin D may protect against cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Foods Rich in Calcium Because our bodies don’t produce

Balsamic Chicken with Mushrooms

This simple chicken entree is budget-friendly and a perfect start to a healthy plate. Serve with a simple vegetable side like Easy Middle Eastern Green Beans or Tarragon Tomatoes .

Green Chile Pork Pozole

Swapping a leaner cut of pork in this classic Mexican stew is all it takes to make a diabetes-friendly Pozole. It cooks for a while on the stove, but the prep is quick and easy, so don't let the cook time intimidate you! You will be rewarded with a hearty, flavorful stew what is well worth the wait. It's even better the next so, this is great for meal-prepping and saving leftovers.

Classic Beef Stew

You don’t need cold weather to enjoy a great beef stew. There are so many new renditions of beef stew, but if you can make this classic version really well, that’s all you’ll need. Although button mushrooms can be used, try and seek out cremini mushrooms as the stew will taste more full-bodied.

Holiday Veggie Platter with Hummus – Quick Recipe

It’s amazing how people will eat more veggies when they are in front of them, displayed well and served with a good dip. Hummus is a healthy dip made from chickpeas and comes in a variety of flavors.