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Showing Results for: “green peas”

6 Tea-rrific Ways to Use Tea in Diabetes-Friendly Cooking

All tea varieties can offer noteworthy benefits when consumed regularly. Other than herbal varieties, tea is traditionally made by steeping the dry leaves of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis. There are four main categories of tea: green, black, white, and herbal. About the Types of Teas Each tea type boasts different flavors and potential benefits. Explore the differences between them to see which tea you might want to incorporate into your routine: Green tea is an antioxidant powerhouse thanks to catechins that fight oxidative stress and may promote a healthy heart. When brewed, it’s often

Recetas para hacer con los pequeños ayudantes de Papá Noel

Pruebe estas recetas aptas para diabéticos, aprobadas por niños y perfectas para servir en su próxima reunión festiva. Aperitivos navideños aptos para la diabetes Troncos de apio, almendras y arándanos Grasa: 4g | Carbohidratos: 6g Una nueva versión del refrigerio infantil, "hormigas en un tronco": esta versión festiva es perfecta para empezar las fiestas. ¡Los niños se divertirán preparando estos bocadillos divertidos y saludables y también se divertirán comiéndolos! Tazas de salsa vegetariana Grasa: 4g | Carbohidratos: 10g Estos vasos para salsa de verduras son una excelente manera de

Recetas aptas para diabéticos para su freidora

¿Qué es freír al aire? En lugar de usar una olla con aceite caliente, la freidora usa aire caliente en remolinos para cocinar los alimentos de manera rápida y uniforme. La comida se coloca en una canasta de malla de alambre o sobre una rejilla para permitir que el aire caliente circule uniformemente alrededor de la comida creando la misma corteza dorada y crujiente que se obtiene al freír en aceite. Las freidoras son fáciles de usar, cocinan los alimentos más rápido que hornearlos y se limpian fácilmente. Además de crear versiones más saludables de tus alimentos fritos favoritos, como patatas

Sopa “Wonton” de albóndigas de pavo con bok choy y zanahorias

Una receta de fusión asiática única y apta para personas con diabetes, esta sopa 'Wonton' de albóndigas de pavo con bok choy y zanahorias es una sopa sabrosa y abundante que combina tiernas albóndigas de pavo, verduras frescas y hierbas aromáticas. Este plato equilibrado y saciante es una opción deliciosa para el almuerzo o la cena, y es perfecto para el clima fresco. Con un caldo rico y sabroso y una variedad de ingredientes vibrantes, es una comida deliciosa que seguramente te calentará en los días fríos.

Ways to Eat Winter Squash

The multitude of varieties can be overwhelming, especially knowing how to prepare them. Check out this list of the 8 winter squash you’re most likely to find in the store, and some ideas on how to prepare them. Butternut : These are long with a bulbous end and a smooth tan skin. Because the skin is a little thick, you’ll want to peel them before cutting into chunks or dicing. Or, you can cut them lengthwise, remove the seeds, and roast them in the skin if to scoop out the flesh. Put these tips to action with this Butternut Squash and Kale Soup . Honeynut : This is a smaller, sweeter version of

Keeping Your Heart Healthy with Diabetes

Why are people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes more at risk for heart disease? Over time, high blood glucose can damage the blood vessels, putting people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes at a higher risk for atherosclerosis, or “hardening of the arteries.” Atherosclerosis also causes high blood pressure raising the risk for heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases. Keeping blood glucose in the target range through self-care tasks, such as taking medications, eating balanced meals, and physical activity can prevent this damage to blood vessels and lower your risk of heart disease

Everything You Need to Know About Bok Choy

Bok choy, also known as pak choi or Chinese cabbage, originated in China over 5,000 years ago. Its name, derived from the Chinese words "pak" (white) and "choi" (vegetable), aptly describes its appearance. Today, bok choy is cultivated in various regions, from China to North America. When Is Bok Choy in Season? This leafy green thrives in cool weather and is typically grown in the spring and fall. It's a relatively low-maintenance crop, making it a favorite among home gardeners and commercial farmers alike. Bok choy can be grown from seeds or transplants and matures in about 45 to 60 days. It

Power Lunch Salad

This salad makes a nutritious and flavor-packed lunch that you are bound to love. It’s a great example of how a salad can be a meal when you include vegetables, protein and healthy carbs.

Roasted Pepper Pizza

Use fresh summer bell peppers to top this quick and easy homemade pizza, a much better choice than ordering out. If you have leftovers, wrap them in foil and have it cold for a grab-and-go meal the next day.

Garden Harvest Soup

Adjust the veggies in this soup based on what you have in your refrigerator. Get creative with the veggie combination that you use!