Cook fresh corn on the cob for this recipe by simmering it in boiling water for 8 minutes. Let the ears of corn cool, and then use a sharp knife to cut the kernels off the cob.
Quinoa has more protein than any other grain. It is gluten-free, contains 3 grams fiber per serving, and is a healthy alternative to any recipe that uses rice. Add a can of low-sodium black beans to boost the fiber and protein in this recipe.
Quinoa is a great substitute for cous cous in most recipes. This ancient grain is hearty and delicious and an excellent source of fiber. Make mini versions of these Quinoa Cakes for a excellent party appetizer.
This “recipe” is so simple, but it’s an easy, healthful and tasty way to cook fresh spinach. Vegetables of any kind—cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, potatoes and/or green beans—can be blanched until just tender, and prepared the same way.
Latin American influence permeates this colorful recipe full of bold taste and textures. You can add any leftover cooked meats or seafood to this recipe.
Nothing says summer like corn on the cob. It’s an American favorite and this recipe puts a nice twist of flavor into it. Remember, corn is a starchy vegetable, so serve it with some lean protein and a low-carb vegetable like green beans, zucchini or a salad.
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