Showing 81 - 90 of 672 results

Showing Results for: “green peas”

Mar y Tierra (Filetes de medallones y Tortas de cangrejo horneadas)

Impresiona a tu amado/a este Día de San Valentín haciendo este plato elegante en tu propia cocina. Combínalo con nuestros Frijoles verdes rostizados con Vinagreta de champaña para una comida estupenda y balanceada.

Salmon with Mango and Peach Salsa

Packed with the natural sweetness of mango and peaches, the salsa in this dish gets its kick from jalapeño and cumin. It’s the perfect foil for the richness of heart-healthy salmon. Serve with Lemon-Mint Sugar Snap Peas for a bright and refreshing meal.

Baked Pork Hawaiian

This sweet and savory diabetes-friendly dish will pair well with just about any nonstarchy vegetable. Try it out with our roasted green beans recipe.

Asian Edamame And Brown Rice Salad

Your family will be super-charged after eating this sweet and tangy nutritious rice salad, inspired by a recipe from Today Show nutrition expert Joy Bauer. If you can’t find shelled edamame you can use frozen peas instead. Serve with Hard-Boiled Eggs.

Grilled Sirloin with Olive Tapenade

The pungent flavor of olives and capers accentuates the beefiness of grilled sirloin, which tastes best with simple sides, such as Green Beans with Mushrooms and Onions and brown rice or farro that let the steak take center stage.

Grilled Lime Chicken Fajitas

Chicken fajitas are one of the best choices when it comes to Mexican food because chicken is a lean protein and grilling is a healthy cooking method. Also, fajitas are topped with low-carb veggies like onions and green peppers. This recipe has been approved as kidney-friendly by DaVita dietitians who believe a kidney-friendly diet can be both nutritious and flavorful. Enjoy!

Is Everything But Green Food Bad for You?

Soon you’ll learn enough to educate your family and friends who will want to help, but get it wrong. They might suggest replacing a slice of pie with a hefty bowl of fruit, which you can’t have since fruit can be high in carbs. They might also say you should juice for health, even though fruit juice is one of the last things you can have because that’s just concentrated fruit without the fiber. Learn about what to do and be strong in choosing what you do. Learn to pick and choose options that are good and better sources of carbs. Whole wheat pasta and breads over conventional products. Brown

Frijoles verdes de Acción de Gracias con arándanos y avellanas

Alegra un acompañamiento de frijoles verdes con arándanos agrios, ralladura de limón fresco y avellanas crujientes. Esta sencillo acompañamiento parece gourmet, pero es muy fácil de preparar. También es un complemento agradable y ligero para la mesa de Acción de Gracias en lugar de la tradicional y pesada cazuela de frijoles verdes. Si no puedes encontrar avellanas, las almendras, las nueces o las pacanas cortadas en rodajas funcionan igual de bien. Esta receta forma parte de nuestro Plan de comidas de Acción de Gracias para diabéticos y se ha modificado para hacer 10 raciones. La receta

Pollo balsámico con Champiñones

Esta entrada sencilla de pollo es amigable con el bolsillo y un comienzo perfecto para un plato saludable. Sirve con un acompañamiento sencillo de vegetales como Frijoles verdes fáciles del Medio Oriente o Tomates al Estragón .