A pile of different types of sugars

Whether you have diabetes, prediabetes, or just want to be more mindful of how much sugar you eat, the evidence is clear: too many sugars may mean trouble for your health. 

Here’s what the science says, why it matters, and some simple steps you can take to help get your calories under control.   

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Thumbnail for shepherd's pie cooking class video

Shepherd’s pie is a comforting dish, but it’s often packed with unhealthy fats and a lot of carbs.

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A woman cooks veggies at the stovetop

We all know eating veggies is good for us—their fiber alone can help you manage your weight and heart health. You’ll find two types of vegetables at the store: starchy vegetables (like peas, potatoes, and corn) and non-starchy vegetables (like broccoli, eggplant, and peppers).

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