The Dangers of Yo-Yo Dieting

The early days of 2021 will likely be filled with quick-fix diets promising to help you “lose the quarantine weight.” But you might think twice before jumping into a fad diet to lose weight fast.
Restrictive diets often lead you down a predictable path: you’ll stick with it at first, lose some weight, then eventually give in and start eating foods that were off limits, followed by regaining the weight you lost. Many of us have experienced this—perhaps many times before—but is it dangerous?

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Top 20 Recipes of 2020

2020 has been a year like no other! One result of quarantines and lockdown was that people were doing more cooking at home. This year’s top recipes include lots of quick and easy beginner recipes, plus meals that make use of pantry staples to accommodate fewer trips to the grocery store. These are great recipes to add to your repertoire for many (hopefully better) years to come!

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