CKD Pre-Built Non-Dialysis Meal Plan

Because diabetes increases risk for chronic kidney disease (CKD), it's important to understand how to protect kidneys. Dietary measures like choosing whole foods, selecting heathy fats, and limiting sugar, unhealthy fats and processed foods are things you can do to protect your kidneys. We've put together some suggestions for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, plus tips to help with managing your plan.

Find more Kidney-Friendly resources.

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How to Turn Fruits into Dessert

One of the biggest misconceptions about living with diabetes is that you can’t have fruit. While people with diabetes of course have to monitor their glucose levels, fruits provide numerous health benefits such as:

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What's in Season: Pumpkin Pumpkins aren’t just for carving scary faces at Halloween—they can be utilized for all sorts of culinary concoctions! Considered a winter squash, pumpkins are delicious and full of good nutrition. With an earthy sweet flavor, pumpkin pairs well with baked goods, soups, sauces, pasta, and curries. Fresh pumpkins are generally available mid-September through November, but you can find canned pumpkin puree any time of the year. 
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