Nutrition-Related Claims to Watch out For! These days, most of the packaged food products you find in your grocery store have one or more nutrition-related claims on them as attention grabbers.
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Fresh Versus Frozen Fruits and Vegetables You’re told you should eat fresh fruits and vegetables to maintain or improve your eating habits, manage diabetes, and improve overall health. After all, they contain a lot of nutrients that help with maintaining glucose levels, lowering the risks of cardiovascular disease, and improving blood pressure.
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Cooking with the American Diabetes Association Manage your diabetes and expand your culinary skills by joining the American Diabetes Association on Thursday, December 9, 2021, for a live cooking class led by Chef Joel Gamoran from Homemade.
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CKD Pre-Built Dialysis Meal Plan

Having diabetes plus kidney disease requiring dialysis may seem challenging as you combine the two eating plans. Choosing lower potassium produce, limiting or avoiding processed items that may contain phosphate additives, and focusing on eating enough high-quality protein, in addition to balancing carbs are key to staying healthy. We've put together some suggestions for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, plus tips to help with managing your plan.

Find more Kidney-Friendly resources.

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