Beans are one of the healthiest carbohydrate sources. They are full of fiber and other nutrients. If you need to eat a gluten-free diet, beans can be a staple in your meal plan.
This simple soup is a perfect companion to a grilled cheese sandwich or a fresh salad. But that's not all you can do with it! Serve it on top of pasta as a homemade, no-sugar-added marinara sauce (add some garlic and crushed red pepper for extra kick) or serve it chilled for a refreshing summer side dish.
Use lower-carb butter lettuce as a substitute for a tortilla wrap. If you don’t like your food spicy, substitute the jalapeno for chopped green bell pepper.
Este postre sin cocción es un gran sustituto de la torta de calabaza, ¡y solo tiene 100 calorías! Para un postre de calabaza rápido, saludable y delicioso, no busques más: este parfait de pudín es increíble y está listo en minutos. Encuentra esta receta y otras más en El libro de cocina para la diabetes . Para pedirlo directamente a la American Diabetes Association, haz clic aquí .
This can make a great breakfast, brunch or quick dinner packed full of protein and veggies. If you don’t like asparagus you can substitute zucchini or broccoli.
I don’t know anyone who does not love Mexican food. It has gone mainstream! Nowadays, you can really find all sorts of Mexican ingredients all over the U.S. One thing I have noticed is that the flour tortilla has truly taken over and many people have forgotten about the corn tortilla. Corn tortillas have a great flavor and are much healthier than flour tortillas. One flour tortilla has 110 calories whereas one corn tortilla has just 50 calories! And of course, who can go wrong with shrimp, mango, and chipotle!
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