Showing 111 - 120 of 150 results

Showing Results for: “VEGAS Pro 19 그래프게임 크레이지타임 사이트 청소년 토토사이트 oB”

Ensalada abundante de Vegetales de Cosecha

Esta es una forma maravillosa de usar productos frescos desde la primera cosecha hasta la última. El contraste del aderezo caliente, vegetales cocidos tiernos, y los crujientes rábanos y nueces sobre los vegetales verdes es un banquete para tus pupilas gustativas. ¡Y esta ensalada está llena de nutrientes para tu cuerpo!

Hash de colinabos y zanahorias

Las hortalizas de raíz están en temporada durante los meses más fríos y son una gran guarnición también en las próximas fiestas.

Chocolate Cherry Smoothie

Would you ever believe a smoothie could taste like a chocolate covered cherry AND be healthy for you? Well this chocolate cherry smoothie checks both those boxes. Unlike a chocolate-covered cherry, this smoothie contains no added sugars because it’s sweetened with zero calorie Splenda ® Monk Fruit Sweetener. Add your favorite chocolate or vanilla protein powder for a protein boost and get your fiber boost from the dark sweet cherries and chia seeds!

Mediterranean Farro Bowls with Lemon Yogurt and Chili Oil

These colorful bowls feature hearty farro tossed with tender brussels sprouts, spinach, and sweet peppers—topped with a vibrant drizzle of chile oil made with Calabrian chile paste, a specialty product made of fragrant red chiles from Calabria (a region in southern Italy). It’s delightfully tempered by the bright, creamy lemon yogurt served underneath. Blue Apron believes meal time should be the best part of the day. That's why we're collaborating with the American Diabetes Association to serve up delicious, ready-to-cook meals packed with fresh produce, lean proteins and lots of flavorful

Autumn Sheet Pan Veggies

Why settle for just one veggie as your side dish? With these autumn sheet-pan veggies, you’ll get butternut squash, Brussels sprouts, red onion, plus Honeycrisp apples and a whole lot of flavor! And it’s so easy to make—just toss your veggies with zero calorie Splenda® Monk Fruit Sweetener, oil, and spices, arrange them on a baking sheet, and bake! Serve with Thanksgiving dinner or any dinner of the week.

Cerdo con especias y Manzana glaseada con Vegetales rostizados

Este suculento plato es desbordante con sabores invernales imprescindibles gracias al dulce glaseado de manzana; estamos sirviéndolo sobre rico cerdo rostizado, cubierto con una mezcla cálida de nuez moscada, jengibre, pimienta blanca, y clavos de olor (conocidos como quatre spices, o cuatro especias) que también se rostiza con los vegetales de temporada. Blue Apron cree que la hora de la comida debería ser la mejor parte del día. Diabetes para servir deliciosas comidas listas para cocinar, repletas de productos frescos, proteínas magras y muchas opciones sabrosas. Todas enviadas a tu puerta.

Garlicky Ginger Eggplant

This asian-inspired vegetable dish features eggplant, mushrooms, and bean sprouts in a garlic-ginger hoisin sauce. The recipe calls for Chinese or Japanese eggplant, which is long and skinny. If you can't find Chinese eggplant, you can sub in regular eggplant and chop into 1-inch cubes. This could be a side dish or a vegetarian main dish. Add tofu or other plant-based protein source for a complete vegetarian meal. Watch the Stir-Fry Cooking Masterclass Powered by Homemade, brought to you by Davita.

Batido de pastel de calabaza

Este batido de calabaza es una delicia única y sabrosa para las fiestas.

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

This pumpkin smoothie makes a unique yet tasty treat for the holiday season.

Spiced Pork & Glazed Apple with Roasted Vegetables

This hearty dish is brimming with quintessential wintry flavors thanks to the sweet glazed apple we’re serving over rich roasted pork, coated with a warming blend of nutmeg, ginger, white pepper, and cloves (known as quatre épices, or four spices) that also roasts with seasonal vegetables. Blue Apron believes meal time should be the best part of the day. That's why we're collaborating with the American Diabetes Association to serve up delicious, ready-to-cook meals packed with fresh produce, lean proteins and lots of flavorful options. All sent to your door.