Recipe by
Emily Weeks, RDN, LD
Photo by
Emily Weeks, RDN, LD
Cómo hacer Muffins de calabaza y plátano
Comience el día con una delicia dulce y apta para diabéticos con estos muffins de calabaza y plátano. Tienen menos carbohidratos que los muffins comprados en la tienda; combínelos con una taza de café para comenzar el día de la mejor manera. ¡Agregue un frasco de huevos y verduras para microondas o bocados de espinacas y huevo para ayudar a completar su desayuno con algunas verduras y proteínas!
10 minprep time
20 mincook time
1 muffin
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Instrucciones paso a paso:
Coloca la masa en moldes para muffins y hornea durante 18-20 minutos, hasta que al introducir un palillo éste salga limpio.
Vierta los ingredientes húmedos en los ingredientes secos y revuelva para combinar. Incorpora suavemente las nueces.
En un tazón pequeño, mezcle los huevos, el puré de calabaza, la mantequilla derretida, el plátano y la vainilla.
Mezcle la harina, el azúcar, el bicarbonato de sodio, la sal y las especias para pastel de calabaza en un tazón grande.
Precaliente el horno a 350 grados F y forre un molde para muffins con moldes.
I followed the instructions except I used stevia brown sugar.
The muffins were really bland and quite disappointing. I cannot recommend these.
No, I don’t recommend
Excellent, and very easy to make
Excellent! I didn't add any butter, didn't realize I needed to. It was a little dry.
I will definitely make it again.
Yes, I recommend
Pumpkin Banana Muffins
The instructions call for melted butter, but butter is omitted in the ingredient list. Please edit the recipe to include the amount of butter required.
Yes, I recommend
Not recommended
The spices didn’t stand up to the ingredients. I would double the amounts of spice. The banana flavor didn’t come through. The muffins tasted like a plain wheat bread-needed a bit of sweetness. Furthermore the ingredients didn’t list butter but the directions did. Please correct it.
I’ve enjoyed many other recipes in this hub. This one disappointed.
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Reseñas y Calificaciones
Pumpkin banana muffins
The muffins were really bland and quite disappointing. I cannot recommend these.
Excellent, and very easy to make
I will definitely make it again.
Pumpkin Banana Muffins
Not recommended
I’ve enjoyed many other recipes in this hub. This one disappointed.