Showing 1 - 10 of 84 results

Showing Results for: “레플리카 ㅋㅅㅌㅅ 홍콩 미러급 명품 홍콩 이미테이션시계 50대 명품가방 ozz”

Mozzarella, Tomato and Chickpea Salad

This salad takes just 5 minutes to prepare and is packed with nutrients. It makes a colorful side dish or you can serve it as a light entrée for lunch or dinner.

Ensalada de Mozzarella, Tomate y Garbanzos

Esta ensalada solo toma 5 minutos prepararla y está llena de nutrientes. Esto constituye un plato acompañante colorido o incluso puedes servirla como una entrada ligera para el almuerzo o cena.

Turkey and Mozzarella Snack Skewers

It’s always more fun to eat food off skewers! This low carb snack stacks protein, dairy, and veggies onto a small skewer or toothpick. Make them a day or two in advance, so you can quickly grab and enjoy when you’re on the go. This recipe originally appeared in The Create-Your-Plate Diabetes Cookbook by Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, FAND

Brochetas de Pavo y Bocadillo de Mozzarella

¡Siempre es más divertido comer alimentos de las brochetas! Este bocadillo bajo en carbohidratos acumula proteína, lácteos, y vegetales en una brocheta pequeña o palillo. Hazlas con un día o dos de anticipación, para que puedas tomarlas rápidamente y disfrutarlas cuando estés en la calle. Encuentra esta receta y más en el Libro de cocina Crea tu Plato para la Diabetes , por Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, FAND

Asparagus and Bok Choy Frittata

Perfect for breakfast, brunch, or even dinner, our Asparagus and Bok Choy Frittata is a flavorful and diabetes-conscious dish designed to delight your taste buds with minimal effect on your blood glucose (blood sugar). This frittata combines the freshness of asparagus and the mild crunch of bok choy with protein-packed eggs, creating a balanced and nutritious meal for those with diabetes. Packed with essential nutrients, this frittata is a delicious addition to your diabetes-friendly menu, offering a satisfying culinary experience.

Mini-Artichoke Cakes

These artichoke cakes are a unique and tasty appetizer or snack. Best of all – you build in the portion size by making them in muffin tins.

Grilled Cheesy Eggplant

Eggplant is a low-carb vegetable and does not raise blood sugar levels significantly. If you cant find baby eggplant, you can use regular eggplant for this recipe.

Spinach and Ham English Muffin Pizzas

This quick and easy recipe is perfect for a quick lunch or dinner. It's perfect for kids, too—they can prepare this recipe all on their own for a tasty, healthy pizza in an instant.