Pollo balsámico con Champiñones

20 min prep time
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Recipe by Lara Rondinelli Hamilton, RD, LDN, CDE and Jennifer Bucko Lamplough Origen The Diabetes Cookbook Photo by Adobe Stock
Balsamic Chicken with Mushrooms

Cómo hacer Pollo balsámico con Champiñones

Esta entrada sencilla de pollo es amigable con el bolsillo y un comienzo perfecto para un plato saludable. Sirve con un acompañamiento sencillo de vegetales como Frijoles verdes fáciles del Medio Oriente o Tomates al Estragón.
20 min prep time
1 chicken breast with heaping 1/4 cup mushrooms
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Coloca la pechuga de pollo en una bolsa plástica y aplánalo con un mazo.
  2. Calienta el aceite de oliva a fuego medio alto en una sartén.
  3. Cubre el pollo en harina por ambos lados. Añadir el pollo a la cacerola y saltear por 5 minutos por lado. Retira el pollo de la sartén y colócalo a un lado.
  4. Derrite la margarina en la cacerola. Añadir los champiñones y los pimientos y cocina durante 5 minutos. Añadir el vinagre balsámico a la cacerola y llévalo a ebullición para reducir el líquido.
  5. Añadir el caldo de pollo a la cacerola y cocina a fuego lento por 2 minutos más. Añadir el caldo de pollo de vuelta a la cacerola y cocina a fuego lento durante 5 minutos.

Información Nutricional

4 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 chicken breast with heaping 1/4 cup mushrooms
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 260
  • Grasa Total 9g
    • Grasa Saturada 2g
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 85mg
  • Sodium 105mg
  • Carbohidratos Totales 14g
    • Dietary Fiber 1g
    • Total Sugars 5g
    • Added Sugars 0g
  • Proteína 29g
  • Potasio 630mg
  • Phosphorous 255mg
boneless, skinless chicken breast (divided into 4 (4-oz) portions)
1 lbs
aceite de oliva
1 tbsp
harina para todo uso
1/4 cup
trans-fat-free margarine
1 tbsp
sliced mushrooms
10 oz
pimienta negra
1/4 tsp
vinagre balsámico
1/3 cup
caldo de pollo bajo en sodio
1/2 cup

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Well, the hubs took a bite & said "Keeper!" That's the keyword for us. This was so easy to make and I think it was good too. Tasted kind of like chicken Marsala. I used a balsamic glaze instead of the vinegar so it was already cooked down. Added some cornstarch as well. On the "make again" list.


As far as flavor, it is good. Liquid dried up fast so I would recommend doubling all but the chicken.


I tried this recipe tonight and it was delicious. The sauce was so flavourful, I could bathe myself in it. I did a couple of changes by marinating the chicken thighs with garlic, rosemary, thyme, little salt and pepper.Thickened the sauce with cornstarch so it was not liquid like other people wrote about. The balsamic vinegar really adds a lot of flavour. I will make this dish again..


I made this today, and it is really good. what I initially like about it is very few ingredients, quick cooking and lots of flavor. I’m not a great cook I don’t like a lot of ingredients and I like it quick and easy because I’m by myself. I made two pieces of chicken instead of one. I was afraid my chicken was too thick and it wouldn’t be cooked but it was pure perfection. It wasn’t dry and it was very juicy. I didn’t have regular flour So are used almond flour. Don’t add any salt to this; I read a review earlier that the girl said don’t add any salt because the balsamic is very salty. And she was absolutely right you do not need any salt. with this. I will definitely make this again and I will add more mushrooms. This made minimum of two and probably three meals for me. I am absolutely in love with this website. ❤️