Showing 941 - 950 of 1129 results

Showing Results for: “홍콩명품가방 쇼핑몰 명품 브랜드 순위 100 레플리카 후기 디시 명품 편집샵 이란 oiT”

Ensalada cremosa de pollo y brócoli con pesto y albahaca

Disfrute de una nueva versión de la ensalada de pollo sin gastar mucho dinero. Este plato apto para diabéticos es económico y una excelente opción para el almuerzo o una cena ligera. Intente combinarlo con nuestras galletas de lino y romero bajas en carbohidratos para darle un toque crujiente a su comida.

Trucha al horno o a la parrilla

Esta sencilla receta de pescado está condimentada con pimienta de limón sin sal y pimentón para obtener un plato principal bajo en sodio y con proteínas saludables para el corazón. Si te gusta picante, también puedes añadir una pizca de pimienta de cayena. Esta receta requiere trucha, pero puedes utilizar el mismo condimento y la misma técnica, a la parrilla o al horno, con tu filete de pescado favorito.

Ensalada de Frijoles negros y maíz

Esta ensalada es perfecta para un picnic de primavera o un plato rápido de almuerzo y está llena de fibra.

Alitas de coliflor BBQ “Miel” Air Fryer

¡Estas alitas de coliflor BBQ con “miel” para freidora serán un éxito en tu próxima fiesta en el portón trasero! Tienen el sabor y el crujido de las alitas BBQ tradicionales, pero contienen menos gramos de grasa y calorías. Si bien estas alitas de coliflor tienen sabor a miel, no tienen azúcar agregada ya que están endulzadas con el endulzante de fruta del monje Splenda® sin calorías. Si no tienes harina sin gluten, puedes utilizar la misma cantidad de harina integral. Splenda® es un orgulloso patrocinador de la American Diabetes Association® Diabetes Food Hub®

Air Fryer “Honey” BBQ Cauliflower Wings

These air-fryer “honey” BBQ cauliflower wings will be a hit at your next tailgate party! They have the flavor and crunch of traditional BBQ wings but contain fewer grams of fat and calories. While these cauliflower wings have the taste of honey, they have no added sugar since they’re sweetened with zero-calorie Splenda® Monk Fruit Sweetener. If you don't have gluten-free flour, you can use the same amount of whole wheat flour instead.

Fig and Walnut Yogurt Tarts

These beautiful yet simple tarts can be served as an appetizer, snack, or light dessert. If you can't find figs, other fruit like apple, pear, or berries would also work. Find this recipe and more in The Diabetes Superfoods Cookbook and Meal Planner . To order directly from the American Diabetes Association, click here .

Savory Tzatziki-Style Greek Yogurt

Try this savory twist on a breakfast yogurt parfait! Tzatziki is a traditional Greek sauce made with yogurt and cucumbers. This "deconstructed" tzatziki yogurt takes the traditional Mediterranean flavors and turns them into an elegant, savory breakfast packed with protein and light on carbs. Eat it with a spoon, or scoop it up with whole-grain pita wedges. Find this recipe and more in The Clean & Simple Diabetes Cookbook by Jackie Newgent, RDN, CDN

Chia Seed Falooda

Falooda is a sweet milk-based dessert common in the northern part of India. It is thought to have originated from a Persian dessert known as faloodeh. Traditional Indian falooda contains vermicelli made from wheat, but in this recipe I use buckwheat noodles.

Grilled Shrimp Skewers

This is a great grilling recipe for the summer and the skewers give the shrimp a fancy twist. If you have leftovers, serve the shrimp cold in a green salad with a little reduced-fat feta cheese and balsamic vinaigrette for lunch.

Budget-Friendly Egg, Ham and Spinach Sandwich

Need a quick, delicious and inexpensive meal for breakfast or dinner? Here is your answer. Eggs are a cheap, high-quality protein source and are fine to eat in moderation.