Showing 461 - 470 of 615 results

Showing Results for: “강원랜드 당일입장╊(주소:BMM7.top추천)‽Evolution Gaming Free Play¡Evolution gaming ir⬅라이트닝 바카라▭마이크로소프트 엣지”

Galletas con chispas de chocolate y mantequilla de maní de 5 ingredientes

Estas galletas con chispas de chocolate y mantequilla de maní sin harina son deliciosamente suaves, masticables y bajas en carbohidratos. ¡Para una fácil preparación y limpieza, puedes prepararlos usando solo un tazón y solo cinco ingredientes simples! Splenda® Stevia Endulzante se usa en lugar de azúcar para que puedas disfrutar de un dulce con menos calorías y carbohidratos y sin azúcar agregada. Splenda® es un orgulloso patrocinador de la Asociación Estadounidense de Diabetes® Diabetes Food Hub®

Trufas De Masa De Galleta

¿Quién no se siente tentado a comer masa para galletas de vez en cuando? Estas deliciosas trufas de masa para galletas seguramente satisfarán ese antojo. A diferencia de la masa para galletas tradicional, estas trufas no contienen azúcares agregados porque están endulzadas con Splenda® Endulzante Granulado cero calorías. ¡Y están hechos con garbanzos, una proteína de origen vegetal saludable para el corazón!

Salmon and Arugula Wraps

These wraps make for a light and tasty appetizer. You can also make them with leftover grilled or baked salmon.

Grilled Zucchini with Feta Cheese

Grilling is a quick and healthy way to eat more veggies. This recipe is simply delicious and an easy side that can be added to any meal. If you have any leftovers from this recipe, the grilled zucchini would go great in a breakfast omelet the next day.

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

This pumpkin smoothie makes a unique yet tasty treat for the holiday season.

Cookie Dough Truffles

Who doesn’t get tempted to eat cookie dough every now and then? These delicious cookie dough truffles will surely satisfy that craving. Unlike traditional cookie dough, these truffles contain no added sugars because they are sweetened with zero calorie Splenda ® Granulated Sweetener. And they are made with chickpeas, a heart-healthy, plant-based protein!

Garden Caprese Salad

Fresh mozzarella is found in the deli case or with the specialty cheeses. It is the perfect flavorful addition to this fresh summer salad!

Savory Cauliflower and Cheesy Cakes

When you are craving something cheesy, try this low-carb snack. Cauliflower adds extra fiber and nutrients and baking gives it a light crunch. You can add garlic powder and/or a sprinkle of red pepper flakes to give them an extra kick of spice.

Roasted Asparagus with Parmesan

Asparagus is one of the first green veggies to start popping up in early spring. Here is a simple recipe that lets those spears shine! They’re seasoned with pepper and lemon zest, then finished with fresh lemon juice and a dusting of parmesan

Green Bean "Fries"

French fries are an American favorite food, but they’re also loaded with unhealthy fat, calories, and carbohydrate. Try these "fries" for a healthier alternative and a way to help your kids eat more veggies.