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Showing Results for: “green peas”

Bulgogi (Grilled Korean Beef)

The marinade for this grilled beef is super easy to throw together. This recipe calls for beef tenderloin, which is a lean cut.

Unstuffed Cabbage Soup

Do you love stuffed cabbage, but don’t have time to make it? This high-fiber soup is so easy and packs in all the flavors of traditional stuffed cabbage.

10 Gluten-Free and Diabetes-Friendly Recipes

The only true disease that requires complete elimination of gluten is known as celiac disease. However, approximately six percent of people with type 1 diabetes also have celiac disease which suggests there may be a link between the two. Learn more about diabetes and gluten-free diets. If you are following a gluten-free diet, here are some recipes to try! Many of them feature almond flour as a substitute for wheat flour. Almond flour can be a good alternative for people with diabetes because it is lower in carbohydrates than wheat flour. However, it is higher in fat and calories. Gluten-Free

Simple Roasted Peppers

Bell peppers are the star of the show in this simple but flavorful dish. Packed with vitamins, bell peppers are a colorful way for a person with diabetes to add a touch of sweetness to a meal. Learn how to roast peppers quickly and easily with this recipe.

Beef Teriyaki

This is a better-for-you version of beef teriyaki – an Asian dish that is well-known here in the United States. You can also substitute the beef in this dish for chicken breast or tofu. Or, use the teriyaki as a sauce for cooked vegetables.

Sopa Italiana de Pollo en la Instant Pot con Alcachofas

Esta sopa está cargada con una variedad de vegetales, haciéndola una elección suculenta y nutritiva. Un gran lote se combina fácilmente en la Instant Pot. Congela algo para después en porciones individuales para un almuerzo rápido para llevar.

Pimientos morrones rellenos estilo Mexicano

En este giro latino de los pimientos morrones rellenos, los frijoles negros reemplazan la salsa de tomate tradicional. Esta receta es del Libro de recetas saludables para diabéticos y para el corazón , 2da edición, publicado en conjunto con la American Heart Association. Para pedirlo directamente a la Asociación Americana de la Diabetes, haz clic aquí .

Pastelón (Pastel de Plátanos al Pastor)

El pastelón es un platillo puertorriqueño parecido a la lasaña que se prepara con capas de plátanos maduros fritos. Es realmente delicioso y me hace acordar del tiempo que pasé en la isla visitando a mi tía. Para un toque saludable, herví los plátanos maduros e hice un puré. Una vez armado, se parece al pastel de carne shepherd’s pie. La dulzura del plátano combinada con el sabor salado de la carne lleva tu boca al séptimo cielo. Recipe in English: Pastelón (Plantain Shepherd's Pie)

Brochetas de pollo con cítricos y estragón

La carne es lo primero que nos viene a la mente cuando pensamos en cocinar a la parrilla, pero las verduras a la parrilla pueden saber igual de bien Cuando pedimos a los jugadores de fútbol americano Blake y Reid Fergeuson una receta que les recordara a mamá, nos enviaron este plato perfecto para el verano. La dietista de la ADA Shamera Robinson quedó impresionada. "La receta de la brocheta de Reid y Blake Ferguson ya tenía una gran mezcla de proteínas y verduras, así que no tuvimos que hacer muchos ajustes. Simplemente añadimos más de las coloridas verduras a cada brocheta para dar una amplia

What’s in Season: Pumpkin

Pumpkins are planted in early May through June and harvested in the fall months. Pumpkins are a type of winter squash with smooth, slightly ribbed orange skin. The inside contains thick flesh, pulp, and seeds. Picking the Right Type of Pumpkin There are many varieties of pumpkin. Sugar pumpkins (also called pie pumpkins) can be found in September and October at farmers markets and grocery stores and should feel very heavy for its size. They have dark orange skin and the inside flesh is very thick, which is why sugar pumpkins are used in soups, baking, pasta dishes, and so much more. Field