I made the citrus baked pork chops and they were on the dry side and could have been a little more tender. I only made 2 chops and I used half a cup of ketchup and half a cup of water which should have been more than sufficient liquid. I browned them in a black cast iron frying pan on both sides then removed them for a minute while I drained the olive oil etc. out of the pan, wiped it dry and put the chops back in the pan, added a slice of lemon for each chop and poured the ketchup/pepper sauce over them . I always get confused with the direction "brown on both sides." Did I not brown them enough (they were more a gray color) and thus the juices leaked out or was the 50 minutes too long.? Does anyone have any suggestions. I would like to try this again but only if I can figure out where I went wrong.
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