Bocados de Mantequilla de maní y Chocolate sin horno

10 min prep time
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Recipe by Lara Rondinelli Hamilton, RD, LDN, CDE and Jennifer Bucko Lamplough Origen The Diabetes Cookbook Photo by Adobe Stock
No-Bake Peanut Butter & Chocolate Bites

Cómo hacer Bocados de Mantequilla de maní y Chocolate sin horno

¿Necesitas un bocadillo saludable para tu viaje por carretera de verano? Esta sencilla golosina es mucho mejor para ti que cualquier bocadillo procesado que obtienes en una estación de combustible.

10 min prep time
2 bites
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. En una cacerola pequeña, combina la mezcla de azúcar y la leche a fuego medio. Revuelve bien y lleva a ebullición por 1 1/2 minutos. Incorpora la mantequilla de maní y la vainilla.
  2. Retira del fuego y añade la avena. Revuelve hasta que la avena esté cubierta uniformemente en la mezcla de maní y todo se haya enfriado. Incorpora las hojuelas de chocolate.
  3. Recoge la mezcla de avena en bolitas del tamaño de una cucharada y colócalas sobre papel encerado. Deja enfriar y refrigera.

Información Nutricional

24 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    2 bites
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 70
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 3.5g 4%
    • Grasa Saturada 1g 5%
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 0mg
  • Sodium 30mg 1%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 9g 3%
    • Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
    • Total Sugars 4g
  • Proteína 2g 4%
  • Potasio 64mg 1%
  • Phosphorous 55mg
sustituto de azúcar
1/3 cup
leche desnatada
1/3 cup
mantequilla de maní
1/2 cup
extracto de vainilla
1 tsp
copos de avena a la antigua
2 cup
mini chispas de chocolate
3 tbsp

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My experience

I believe two cups of oats makes it dry. I'll go back to the original 1 cup of oats to 1/2 cup of peanut butter

Not recommended

Not sure what I'm missing, but I followed the recipe to the letter and they didn't turn out well. They were very dry and the peanut butter wouldn't stick well to the oats, so I had a huge pile of oats with a little bit of peanut butter. I wish the instructions were more specific. It's great they are simple and easy to follow, but it leaves a lot of room for enough error to change how these turn out.
No, I don’t recommend


I was wondering what else I could use in place of Splenda?


These are really good. I used the Splenda brown sugar as well and unsweetened almond milk and simply Jiff peanut butter. First time making and it was a bit of a disaster. For one, the saucepan I used was too small. 2. Once I had everything mixed with the oats, I missed the step about letting the mixture cool before folding in the chocolate chips. Result: a sticky chocolatey mess. After a while, when totally cooled down, the mixture wouldn’t bind. Got it to work, but will change some steps around to make it easier next time.