Cerdo a la mostaza de manzana

6 hr prep time
20 min cook time
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Apple Mustard Pork Chops

Cómo hacer Cerdo a la mostaza de manzana

El jugo de manzana, la mostaza y el chalote crean un aliño sabroso y ligeramente dulce para estas chuletas de cerdo. Son ideales para la parrilla, pero también pueden cocinarse en la estufa o en el horno. Acompáñalo con una simple ensalada o con una guarnición de verduras de temporada, como esta col braseada y manzanas.

6 hr prep time
20 min cook time
1 chop
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Recorta el exceso de grasa de las chuletas de cerdo.
  2. Añadir el resto de los ingredientes a un tazón grande o a una bolsa con cierre. Añadir las chuletas de cerdo y dales la vuelta para cubrirlas. Deja marinar las chuletas de cerdo de 6 a 8 horas o toda la noche en el frigorífico.
  3. Saca las chuletas del aliño y añade el exceso de aliño a una cacerola pequeña. Coloca a un lado el aliño.
  4. Cubrir una rejilla para parrillas de una parrilla de gas externa con aceite en aerosol y separarla 6 pulgadas de la fuente de calor. Precalienta la parrila a fuego medio.
  5. Añadir las chuletas de cerdo a la parrilla y dóralas por cada lado durante unos 3 minutos. A continuación, cubre la parrilla y cocina durante unos 15 minutos hasta que las chuletas registren 145°F (63°C) en un termómetro de lectura instantánea. Retira las chuletas de la parrilla y déjalas reposar unos minutos (para que conserven los jugos) antes de servirlas.
  6. Calienta el exceso de aliño a fuego medio-alto durante 2 minutos. Sirve el aliño caliente sobre las chuletas de cerdo.

Información Nutricional

4 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 chop
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 230
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 13g 17%
    • Grasa Saturada 3.1g 16%
  • Cholesterol 60mg 20%
  • Sodium 285mg 12%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 7g 3%
    • Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
    • Total Sugars 4g
  • Proteína 21g 42%
  • Potasio 330mg 7%
  • Phosphorous 140mg
chuletas de cerdo (bone-in, about 1/2 inch thick)
chalotes (finely minced)
ajo (finely minced)
2 clove
aceite de oliva
2 tbsp
mostaza de Dijon gruesa
2 tbsp
jugo de manzana (no sugar added)
1/2 cup
tomillo fresco (finely minced)
1 tsp
pimienta negra
1/4 tsp
1/8 tsp

Reseñas y Calificaciones

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Overall Rating
Showing 3 of 3 Results


I am normally not a fan of porkchops as I find them too bland. This recipe has changed my mind. The marinade adds a wonderfully subtle flavor and moisture to the chops. I marinated six hours, turning occasionally, and we threw them on the grill, which is probably the best way to cook them. We heated the marinade to spoon over them. The chops were tender with a slightly sweet flavor. I served them with the recommended cabbage recipe and roasted asparagus (which can be done on the grill at the same time as the chops). Good recipe!


We made ours on the gas grill outdoor and they were very tasty so I have a feeling making them in the oven isn't the best idea. I was going to try them tonight in the oven but maybe I should try them under the broiler in the oven rather than baking them because of your experience. I wish when they said you could do them in the oven they would have said whether they should be broiled rather than baked.

Not recommended

I made this with 6 medium sized, bone-in pork chops. So I increased the ingredients in the marinade. I'm not sure if I made a mistake or if this was the intent but the flavoring of the chops is very subtle. It was not at all what I expected. And I did marinate the chops overnight, flipping them over every few hours or so to make sure all the chops were covered.
Though the recipe called for the chops to be grilled, I baked them instead. Perhaps grilling them would have been better.
If you use this marinade, don't expect a burst of flavor. I even used the marinade, as suggested, as a sauce over the chops. The meat was juicy and, as my husband said, "It's edible." I won't make this again.
No, I don’t recommend