Este puede ser el chili de una olla más sencillo del mundo, y como todo buen chili, es muy versátil. Puedes comerlo sin más nada, servirlo encima de una batata horneada, o esparce un poco a lo largo de hojuelas de tortilla de grano entero con un rocío de queso, lechuga desmenuzada, y guacamole para unos nachos saludables. Si deseas abultar la receta y llenarla de fibra, añade algunos frijoles cocidos o un grano cocido (arroz integral, quinoa, o lo que sea que pudieras tener en la despensa funciona genial). ¡Y no dudes experimentar con salsa picante, especias adicionales, o pimientos picados para hacerla de tu autoría!
4 Porciones
Reseñas y Calificaciones
Not recommended
After reading how dry it came out and not chili like at all...when I cooked the turkey I added 1/3 cup of water. Then I added two small cans of V8 juice for the nutrients and it was perfect! I also added a teaspoon of minced garlic for more flavor as turkey can be a boring meat to eat. It was fantastic!
Now I love to eat those little goldfish in my chili when my wife makes it. However, being a diabetic I am trying to cut down on my carb intake....so, I had one serving of reduced fat Cheez-its with the chili and it made a delicious meal. I also have 3 one and a half cup servings left over which I will freeze and eat as a small meal throughout the day at work!