Coles de bruselas rostizadas con Mostaza miel

15 min prep time
45 min cook time
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Roasted Brussels Sprouts With Honey Mustard

Cómo hacer Coles de bruselas rostizadas con Mostaza miel

15 min prep time
45 min cook time
1 cup
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Precalienta el horno a 425ºF (218°C). Cubre una charola plana con papel encerado.
  2. Mezcla las coles recortadas con el aceite de oliva, sal, y pimienta, en un tazón grande. Coloca las coles sobre la charola forrada con papel encerado en una sola capa.
  3. Rostiza las coles de bruselas por aproximadamente 45 minutos o hasta que estén crujientes, agitando la charola aproximadamente cada 15 minutos.
  4. Mezcla el vinagre, la mostaza y la miel en un tazón pequeño. Cuando las coles estén listas, añadirlas a un tazón para servir. Añadir la mezcla de mostaza y miel, y mezcla bien. Sirve inmediatamente.

Información Nutricional

9 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 cup
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 75
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 3.5g 4%
    • Grasa Saturada 0.5g 3%
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 0mg
  • Sodium 100mg 4%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 10g 4%
    • Dietary Fiber 3g 11%
    • Total Sugars 4g
  • Proteína 3g 6%
1 tbsp
mostaza de Dijon gruesa
2 tbsp
sal y pimienta para probar (not included in nutrition analysis)
aceite de oliva
2 tbsp
coles de Bruselas (bottoms trimmed)
2 lbs

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Overall Rating
Showing 2 of 2 Results

Not recommended

I was hungry an hour later. Your recipes are frustrating to read. I prefer paper and print your recipes out. I must use a magnifying lens to read the 6-point font.
No, I don’t recommend


I just tried this tonight. I only had a 12 oz package of brussels sprouts (not even 1 lb) so I halved the amount of honey and mustard I used but ended up adding a wee bit more honey after I mixed the sauce. I cut the brussels sprouts in half as that is how I cook them on the stove. I used parchment paper, preheated the oven as directed, coated them in olive oil, and baked them. I only needed 30 minutes. They were very brown and soft all the way through, which is exactly how I like them. I only started eating brussels sprouts a couple years ago after I learned how to cook them in a skillet. I like this method even better as it's quite easy. They do not present all that well, so I don't know if I would serve them to anyone. But for me, they are great. I do not like vegetables much (they all tasted very bitter to me) but fixing brussels sprouts this way took away the bitterness and the sauce added a wee bit of zip without being overwhelming. I will definitely make these again.