
Galletas de Mantequilla de maní de 4 ingredientes

20 min prep time
10 min cook time
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Recipe by Splenda® Photo by Splenda®
4-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies

Cómo hacer Galletas de Mantequilla de maní de 4 ingredientes

Estas galletas de mantequilla de maní sin harina son deliciosamente suaves, gruesas, y masticables; ¡están cargadas con sabor y son bajas en carbohidratos! Puedes hacerlas usando solo un tazón y solo cuatro ingredientes sencillos. Se utiliza Endulzante granulado Splenda® en vez de azúcar para que puedas disfrutar de un manjar dulce con menos calorías y carbohidratos.

Esta receta es traída para ti por Splenda, orgulloso promotor de la American Diabetes Association y del Diabetes Food Hub.
20 min prep time
10 min cook time
1 cookie
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Precalienta el horno a 350ºF (177°C). En un tazón grande, mezcla la mantequilla de maní, endulzante Spenda, huevo, y extracto de vainilla. Enfría la mezcla en el refrigerador por al menos 10 minutos.
  2. Vierte la mezcla en bolas de 1 cucharada y colócalas en una bandeja plana desengrasada. Presiona ligeramente con las puntas de un tenedor para crear un patrón cuadriculado y aplana cada galleta ligeramente.
  3. Hornea por 8 minutos. Deja enfriar sobre la bandeja plana al menos 5 minutos antes de transferirlas a una rejilla para terminarlas de enfriar.

Información Nutricional

20 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 cookie
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 90
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 7g 9%
    • Grasa Saturada 1.5g 8%
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 10mg 3%
  • Sodium 60mg 3%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 4g 1%
    • Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
    • Total Sugars 1g
    • Added Sugars 1g 2%
  • Proteína 3g
  • Potasio 76mg 2%
  • Phosphorous 55mg
mantequilla de maní
1 cup
Splenda® Endulzante Granulado
1 cup
large egg (beaten)
extracto de vainilla
1 tsp

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Overall Rating
Showing 4 of 13 Results

Blah, waste of PB

I tried this recipe and all I got was a clump of oily garbage. I would have loved to have a crumble, at least that I could have eaten!
No, I don’t recommend

Loved hem!

These are good and easy to make. My only recommendation is to make sure that they are COMPLETELY cooled, or close to it before you move them. They will crumble and break if you don't. Once they are cooled, the cookies will not break. I have made a few batches of these and that's the trick to them.

Favorite cookie

I really don’t care for peanut butter, but these are my favorite cookies. I double the recipe and I make them all the time. I’ve never had an issue with them falling apart. The only recommendation I have is maybe you’re making them too and try them a little thicker and don’t mash them so hard with the fork. I also have used one cup peanut butter, one cup crunchy peanut butter when doubling a batch they are delicious for my grandson. I had a scoop of mini semi sweet chocolate chips.

Not recommended

I agree with Dave Cleve the cookies Crumble to the touch It was hard to put the cookies on the Cooling rack. When you try to pick them up they just fall apart. I Tasted one of them They taste pretty good. And the cookies did not spread out the picture of the cookies looked bigger.
No, I don’t recommend