Pasteles salados de coliflor y queso

15 min prep time
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Savory Cauliflower and Cheesy Cakes

Cómo hacer Pasteles salados de coliflor y queso

La coliflor es una verdura crucífera llena de fibra. Es baja en calorías, carbohidratos y grasas, y tiene un sabor delicioso cuando se transforma en estos pasteles de queso.

15 min prep time
2 cakes
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Precalienta el horno a 375°F (191°C). Cubre un molde para panecillos con forros de papel.
  2. Coloca los ramilletes de coliflor en un procesador de alimentos y pulsa hasta obtener una textura fina similar a la del arroz.
  3. En un tazón mediano, mezcla la coliflor y el resto de los ingredientes.
  4. Pon aproximadamente 1/4 de taza de la mezcla de coliflor en cada molde para panecillos. Hornea durante 30-35 minutos hasta que los pasteles estén ligeramente dorados por encima.

Información Nutricional

6 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    2 cakes
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 50
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 2g 3%
    • Grasa Saturada 1.1g 6%
  • Cholesterol 35mg 12%
  • Sodium 120mg 5%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 3g 1%
    • Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
    • Total Sugars 1g
  • Proteína 6g 12%
  • Potasio 200mg 4%
cauliflower head ((about 2 pounds) cut into florets)
queso cheddar fuerte extra claro (shredded)
1/2 cup
queso parmesano (freshly grated)
2 tbsp
sal (optional)
1/2 tsp
pimienta negra
1/8 tsp

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Overall Rating
Showing 4 of 4 Results


I used a 10 oz. bag of riced cauliflower, 2 eggs and added red pepper flakes. This made 6 egg cups that held together well. Calories per cup about 100 made this way. I would make it again.


I ended up using 3 eggs because the head of cauliflower was large and the mixture was crumbly and didn't look like it would stick together. I had some paper liners but not enough so I used Pam spray in the muffin tin. The ones made in the paper liners stuck to the paper, so definitely use Pam spray instead. They were bland. Maybe more cheese? I'll add some garlic powder next time and maybe some green onion? The photograph shows green flecks in the cakes, but there is nothing in the recipe that is green. I made these one other time and had forgotten that they needed more seasoning, so using this review to remind me next time. :)


Use 2 eggs for sure, definitely needed for proper binding. My head of cauliflower produced 12 cakes.

Not recommended

Good idea, but it doesn't work. First, it was crumbly and didn't hold together. Probably would be better with 2 eggs. They stuck to the paper cups. Next time, I'd make them in greased muffin tins. Also, they were bland. I would add some onion and red bell pepper, along with some seasoning. Basically, didn't work at all. Not a total waste. I scraped them off the paper and refrigerated for use in a casserole tomorrow.
No, I don’t recommend